Chapter 2 - First Evolution?

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Author's Note - Wow I wonder if I will keep having one of these throughout this if its even read, but whatever. Anyway this note is to talk to myself because no one else will, I think.
Author - Hello
Author 2 - Leave
Author 3 - Goodbye
Author - Wait wut?
(Here We Go, Chapter 2)
"Level Up" The mechanical voice said, and at first I thought 'Isn't that the same voice that made me into a worm?', but after that I said I don't care and check my stats after 'stats'
Name: None
Species: Carnivorous Worm
Race: Monster
Level: 9/10
Health: 21/21
Mana: 5/5
Stamina: 30/30
Defence: 3
Strength: 7
Speed: 5
Intelligence: 30
Passive Skills: [Regen Lvl 1] [Blood Drain Lvl 1]
Special Skills: [Death Devourer Lvl 1]
Active Skills: [Bite Lvl 2]
Magic: None
Titles: <Lucky>
After looking at my stats I was surprised because I thought I would get a notification about my Titles or when I gained a new skill through [Death Devourer], but it seems that I don't and it really just happens randomly.

Anyway I only need one more level to get 10/10 and when I do I have a feeling I will be able to evolve, which is exciting, but after looking at the stats of the Blood Robin I think its safe to assume that evolution is possible or else there is no way i'm going to be able to survive.

For now anyway it looks like its night and I should probably get some sleep after all that happened today, but as there is a hole in our home its safe to also assume that I will be leaving here tomorrow to go and find and new home and try to evolve into something new. 'I hope I don't die in my sleep' I thought to myself as I drifted off into the realm of dreams thinking about how my new life as a worm will go.

*wiggle wiggle wiggle* 'Huh..' I woke up to see the sunlight coming into our little home, just to see my siblings eating away at the dead bird's bones, which I didn't even know we could eat, but I decided to join them, and just as I got closer *Sniff, Sniff* 'NOT AGAIN!' and thus a fox poked his head in and took the bones and some of my siblings and took off to probably enjoy both.

I didn't bother to take a look at it's stats, but what I do now realize how naive I am to think that getting that one level to evolve would be easy just like finding a new home. 'But first things first, I need to learn how to move through the earth by wiggling' , and thus I practiced moving and managed to dig my very own tunnel.

'I need to get out of here because now that there is no more food, who knows what my 'siblings' will do for food', thus I got out of there by digging a hole, which is actually really fun to do, actually no, its the most boring thing I have ever done in my life and it takes forever, but its not like I can do anything about it because my speed is only 5.

'Lets see whats above me', clearly I might be crazy and putting myself at risk if there is anything dangerous above me, but whatever because it would at least be more interesting that this, plus if I happened to die then who knows maybe I could be reincarnated again as something cooler, but I don't really know what could be worse than getting reincarnated as a dam Worm. 'Hmm, well I guess maybe getting reincarnated as a Bactria, but that might actually be cooler than a Worm'.

Thus I poked my head out of the ground and the sunlight almost got blinded "BLOP!" 'Dammit my eyes!', but after a minute or two my eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around and it seems that i'm in a forest  with high trees that have little shade, but it also seems like our home was made in some pathway which explains the horse, however as the road looks like it hasn't been touched in years, its most likely safe to assume that this area is either dangerous so people barely use it or something else.

'Oi, isn't that a caterpillar', I looked over and spotted a pretty adorable caterpillar, but then I thought about two things 'Hmm I just realized that although i'm a worm the sun doesn't hurt at all, and also I wonder if I can kill and eat that caterpillar', such thoughts went through my head and I began to slowly reach the caterpillar who was enjoying a leaf before I came from behind it and used [Bite] to strike it's neck and kill it.

"You can now Evolve" , yet again it was the mechanical voice and although I felt a bit guilty for killing the caterpillar, I was more excited to see what I could evolve into 'Stats' I thought.
Name: None
Species: Carnivorous Worm
Race: Monster
Level: 10/10
Health: 23/23
Mana: 6/6
Stamina:  34/34
Defence: 4
Strength: 8
Speed: 7
Intelligence: 35

Passive Skills: [Regen Lvl 1] [Blood Drain Lvl 1] [Poison Resistance Lvl 1]
Special Skills: [Death Devourer]
Active Skills: [Bite Lvl 3]
Magic: None
Titles: <Lucky>
Evolutions: Large Leech, Large Ant, Large Parasite Worm
'Wait, why can I evolve into an Ant? and why do they all have Large in their names? , also I forgot I had [Blood Drain], which explains Leech, but I don't get the other two, however i'm gonna choose [Large Parasite Worm]-'

"Are you sure? Yes or No?" the mechanical voice asked me, but I immediately said 'Yes' and thus my evolution into a whatever a Parasite Worm is, but I had a guess as to what I will probably be able to do and I was really excited.

I started to feel light headed as my body began to glow indicating that I was evolving and after that, I passed out.
______________________________________________________________________________________Author's Note - So what do you guys think about this series so far, let me know in the comments if anyone ever reads this and tell me what I can improve upon.

Also I wonder if anyone can guess what the Parasite Worm will allow for the next evolutions, but who knows other than me of course.


Good bye!    

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