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The car ride to work was awkward as hell (no pun intended). When Ryan finally pulled into a spot in front of the Buzzfeed office, he couldn't get out of the car fast enough. He was already in the building before Shane could even open the car door. All the taller man could do was sigh and follow his friend inside.

Shane sat at his desk, trying to keep his eyes on his computer. This was pretty hard, as Ryan sat only a couple seats away from him. He had a perfect view of the side of his cohosts face, and it looked like Ryan was visibly uncomfortable with this realization. His eyes were calm, but his bouncing leg and stiff posture gave it away. After half an hour, Shane couldn't take it anymore. He sent Ryan a quick email to meet him in the break room, them got up and went there himself.

After 15 standing by the coffee machine staring at the door, Shane realized that Ryan definitely wasn't coming. He felt himself getting angry, swinging open the break room door and going towards Ryan's desk. He tapped Ryan's shoulder, causing him to take one headphone out and look up at the tall man. "Yes?"

"Did you not see my email?" Shane tapped his foot impatiently.

"I saw it."

"So why the fuck didn't you come?"

"I didn't want to." Ryan pushed his headphone back into his ear, turning his attention back to the video he was editing. His passive aggressiveness was really starting to tick Shane off. The taller man ripped the headphones out of the jack.

"What the fuck, dude?"

"We need to talk! Whether you like it or not, Ryan. So stop acting like a child, and come fucking talk to me." Shane felt the eyes of his coworkers on the both of him but he honestly didn't care. Ryan got up with out a word, stomping his way into the break room. Shane followed him in, shutting the door behind him. "What the hell Ryan? What is your deal?"

"What is my deal? Are you seriously asking me what my deal is right now?"

"I know all of this is a lot. I get it. I know. But you're the one who wanted to come to work today. Do you want me to quit? Is that what you want? Cause I'll quit. But unless that's what you want then you have to stop acting like this. If we're still gonna work together you need to trust me." Shane grabbed Ryan's arm, sending shivers down his spine in a way he wished it wouldn't. "We can't do this if you're going to be afraid of me. I already told you I'm not gonna hurt you. I meant it."

Ryan sighed, rubbing his face with him hand. "No, I don't want you to quit. That means the shows over for me too. But I also don't want you to constantly lie to me."

"You know I can't just say the truth, Ryan. But I'll try to be more honest with..other things, okay?"

All Ryan could do was nod, wiggling his arm out of Shane's grasp. "Fine. Tomorrow we go to the Bloody Bender house. Make sure you have your stuff packed." He basically jogged back to his desk, leaving Shane alone in the room.

Shane was happy that Ryan was staring to trust him, but really his mind was focused on another thing. The way Ryan tensed up when he grabbed him. It was...strange. He could tell it wasn't fear that had caused it. So what was it? Shane walked back to his desk, glancing at Ryan as he walked by. Maybe he was still nervous about the whole thing. Whatever it was, he hoped he got over it by tomorrow. Or else them sleeping in the small house together was going to be really weird.

The Liar From Hell (Shyan) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now