Promise {end}

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Shane never showed up to work that day. Fifteen minutes after he texted and still hadn't shown, Ryan was starting to get curious as to what was taking him so long. Not worried though, not yet. What worried him was the sudden sound of sirens in the near distance.

Everyone in the office crowded at the window, looking out into the street below. A block up the street there was a huge crowd of people, accompanied by several police cars and ambulances. Ryan scooted his way through his coworkers to get to the window, looking down onto the scene below. He couldn't see much, but one thing was crystal clear. Shane's car.

The only thing Ryan could hear as he sprinted out of the building was the racing of his own heart echoing in his ears. Not the yelling of the crowd as he forced his way through it or murmurs of the people he pushed out of the way. As he broke into the center he saw Shane, laid across a stretcher on the ground. Blood stained the side of his face, his clothes soaked red and clinging to his body. Ryan's knees gave out from under him, landing on the pavement next to Shane. His hands hovered shakily over Shane's barley conscious body, tears streaming from his eyes. ""

One of Shane's eyelid opened slightly, and his hand found its way to Ryan's. He held his hand gently, speaking in short quiet breaths. "It's's o-okay Ryan..." His hand slowly and gently grabbed the collar of Ryan's shirt, pulling him down closer and whispering in his ear. "I-I've been alive a long time. And if this is how I-I go...than that's okay. I am just so..." He inhaled sharply, pain taking over his face. "..I'm so glad that I-I got to love y-you...but I t-think I'm ready to g-go now..."

"No! No..." Ryan held onto Shane's hand tightly. "You can't leave Shane...please...I can't do this without you...please..."

Shane squeezed his lover's hand. "You c-can. You're s-strong. Be strong for m-me, okay? Promise. P-Promise me you'll be strong."

"I can't-"

Shane's face contorted painfully again. "P-Please! Please R-Ryan..."

"I promise. I promise, Shane. I love you so much." Ryan pressed his forehead to Shane's, his tears falling onto the bloodstained cheeks of the taller man. Shane closed his eyes, exhaling deeply.

"I love you too, Ryan."

Ryan hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, his legs brushing the man next to him. He smiled and got out of bed, going into the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee, leaning against the counter as he scrolls though his phone. A notification popped up at the top oh his screen.

= Memories: Shane Madej =

A soft smile came across Ryan's face, and he clicked on the album. He scrolled though the pictures, each one reminding him of the man he truly loved more than anything. He shut his phone off before his eyes started to water, knowing better than to linger in the past too long.

It had been two years since he last saw Shane, since he had died in front of him. The months after the accident were the hardest of his life, and there were times where he really thought he couldn't do it anymore. But he stayed strong. For Shane. He accepted his death, and he moved on. With his life, job, and relationships. He knew it was what Shane would have wanted. Through everything, Ryan remained strong. And he'd continue to for the rest of his life. He'd always keep his promise.

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