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Ryan's PoV

Well this sucks. I got arrested for pushing a damn cop. I only wanted to get to Andy to check on him but they got in the way. I have to spend the night at the station, well what's left of it. And hopefully they'll let me go as soon as someone signs my bail. I didn't mean to shove the cop, I just had to get through immediately. Andy is like a brother to me and I really don't know what I'd do without him. I seriously hope he's okay. I suddenly recall Hannah's expression when she saw me getting arrested. She looked so disappointed. I have definitely let her down big time.

Joel's PoV

*a few hours later*

I've just dropped Hannah off at the hospital so she can check on Andy and now I'm on my way to bail the biggest knobhead of the band out of jail. He's got some big-time explaining to do. Like who on earth dares knocks down a fricking copper. I guess I get he was upset seeing Andy and that, but once the press get hold of this, they will go bonkers. Then the whole band is going to get unimaginable hate and unlimited death threats. For fucks sake, Ryan has really messed up this time. If he doesn't get out of this mess, who knows what will happen. As the traffic light turn green, I push down the pedal and make my way to the police station.

Hannah's PoV

Urgh. I've been to the hospital so frequent that even the nurses know how I like my coffee. I always get so nervous in the waiting rooms especially when I have no one to calm me down. I'm shaking everywhere, I'm a mess. And so is everyone else. Fuck knows where Adam and that weird drug addict looking woman went. Ryan is probably starting of his badass reputation with other cell mates and well Joel probably shouldn't being driving. As we left the house I noticed a few empty Jack Daniels chucked to the sides of the rooms.

Well everything is going so swell. How does this even happen. I could've sworn we had fairly normal lives. If that's what you can say for 4 minted lads living the dream and a girl just happened to caught up with everything. That was a bad choice. I should've of not went into work that day for my first day. Or at least not let them see me or even get to bloody know me. I'm definitely poison, I hurt everyone I care and love about. I'm a dangerous person and I just can't stand seeing everyone in my life getting stripped away from myself. It needs to stop. Perhaps my time has ended. I've reached the final destination. My final destination. Sure my journey hasn't been pleasant and from day one it has been obvious that my life is just not worth living. I guess after I see Andy I should start thinking about making a move on.

"You can come through now." The nurse impatiently says. I give her a cold stare as I walk past her, rolling her eyes is all she does to respond to it. I take my steps towards Andy. It's really uncomfortable, because it's the last time I get to be with him and he bloody isn't even conscious. So I suppose It's better because I can still give him a proper goodbye and also give him the actual reason. "Andy..I hope you can hear me fine. I just really need to tell you something..." I pause as the first tear rolls down my cheek. I just can't cope with it any longer. "I know you can't see me right now, but I'm sort of glad you actually can't, I kinda look like really metal-punk band members all mashed up together." I take a second to breathe, and to plan my next words, carefully. "Andy.. I can't see you anymore. I'm leaving, for good. This is my last goodbye. Tell the others I hope them very well for the rest of their lives. I'm not writing a letter, so don't bother trying to find one."

I take Andy's hand and lower my lips to plant a kiss on it. As I start to whisper goodbye a rapid beeping bursts aloud. The next thing I know Andy is all over the place, it's like a demon has actually possessed him. I call out for help, typical. No replies whatsoever. I run out of the room, sprinting down the corridors. I spot a man wearing glasses and a long coat. I dare to shout out but this could be Andy's life on the line right now. "SIR, I NEED HELP NOW PLEASE" I bellow out like I've never have done before. The doctor turns his head at me and starts to march over. "Yes young lady, how may I help you?" He spits at me with every word, he looks very pissed off. But that isn't my problem. "Andy Brown.. He needs urgent help." I point him in his direction. And as he walks off to help I start to walk away. Those were my last words and will always be.

Joel's PoV

I've bailed Ryan out, he's said thanks once. Not a word since. The journey to the hospital is a painful one. We have no idea whether Andy will be fine this time. Just as I drive on for a bit Ryan's phone rings. Ironically his ringtone is one of our own songs 'Juliet'. When he answers it, he looks reluctant to speak, the hatred in his eyes says it all. Even now and then he lets out a disgruntled sigh. He puts the phone down after a few moments, he's as frozen as a statue. Unable to move a bone.

Ryan's PoV

Juliet plays on my phone, I then take a second to realise it's my ringtone. I pick it up and instantly regret it. Because it's Emily on the other side.

"Hey Rhinoooo, long time no speak, ayeee?"

"Sure, whatever."

"Now I'm guessing you want to know where Ads is right?" Before I could answer she answers it for me. "Sure you do! Well I don't know whether Joely has told you or not, but I texted him to warn that poor darling Adam has been up to no good! Of course that's all bullshit, he's with me right now in fact! We have a lovely view over the city and the air is so fresh.." I interrupt immediately.

"Shut up and tell me where the fuck you are."

"Shhh Ry.. Ry. You know I hate it when you get upset at me."

"I don't give a massive two shits."

"Ohh that's very clever, but I guess that means I won't give away our location if you really don't care at all."

"No, don't be like that."

"Well you did ask for it, but that's fine because these are my last words to you anyway. So say bye now to all the people you love, because before you know it they will all be Gone. Especially your brand new toy girl."

She hangs up on me, my heart sinks further it has ever gone before.

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