Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

Sal had just killed his dad and Lisa. He saw Todd, who's shirt was ripped and bloody. Todd had scratches covering his face and his eyes glowed red. He stared into the distance 

"Something is wrong. I blacked out in the tree house and woke up in the temple. They had me tied down. There was something else there. I think it was the demon. They cut me and took some of my blood. There was a loud sound and I blacked out again. When I came to, they were gone and I was untied. I don't feel right, Sal. I think I'm dying." Todd muttered, staring off. Sal stayed silent. Police sirens were soon able to be heard, nearing the apartments. Just before the door burst open, Sal's vision blurred. He felt like he was falling. Suddenly, everything went back to normal, except, he was no longer in the apartments. He dropped the knife that he was holding tightly and looked around. 

"What the?" He questioned. He heard a burst of static and spun around to face the creature that made the noise. An impossibly tall man stood there. Sal looked up to see his face only to realize he didn't have one. Sal's eyes widened and he backed away from the faceless man. 

"Greetings child. I am Slenderman." The man said.

"Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here?" Sal frantically questioned. 

"Calm down child. You're in my mansion, I brought you here, you're here to become my proxy." Slenderman explained. 

"What's a prox- OW!" Sal was cut off by Slenderman wrapping a tentacle around his hand. When Slenderman released his hand, he looked at where he had felt the pain. On the back of his hand was a crossed out circle. 

"That symbol means you are my proxy. Now, I will teleport you to your room. I recommend you stay there until I call you back down, as I must explain that you are here to the other residents of this mansion. I fear that if one encounters you before they know that you are a new resident there would be... an unfortunate accident.

 "What do you mean?" Sal asked, but he was too late. His vision blurred, and when it returned to normal he was in a bedroom. He sighed and sat on the bed, waiting for the faceless man to call him back down.

The Sally Face Killer (Sally Face and creepypasta crossover)Where stories live. Discover now