Chapter 2

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3rd person POV

Sal decided to look around his room. He took his mask off since he was alone and placed it on his bed. He surveyed his surroundings. Next to his bed was a small table with a few drawers. He opened them. 

'Empty.' He thought. 

He noticed a dresser with a large mirror above it. On top of the dresser was a brush with some hair elastics next to it. 

'Nice, I can get my pigtails back.' Sal thought with a small grin. He went over to the mirror. After putting in one pigtail he heard static from behind him. He looked behind himself in the mirror, thinking it was the faceless man. 

Instead, a tv he didn't notice before had turned on, and a head was forcing its way out of it. Sal dashed to his bed and grabbed his mask holding it on his face. He looked around for something to protect himself and grabbed... a coat hanger. 

"Stay back! I'm armed and dangerous!" He yelled at the head. It looked up and Sal's eyes widened at it's, no, his eyes. They were red and black with blood dripping down from them. Sal dropped the coat hanger and his mask. 

"What the fuck..." He said, taking a step back. 

"What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?" The boy pulled himself fully out of the screen and looked at Sal. 

"What the fuck happened to your face?" The strange boy said sarcastically. 

"Alright, then how the fuck did you get in here?" Sal questioned. 

"Through the tv, duh." He replied. 

"Okay then... can you leave?" Sal asked. 

"Nope, humans aren't allowed to be here, you have to die." He said, rushing towards Sal with a maniacal grin.


"Hey Slendy why are we all here?" Jeff asked, twirling a knife around his fingers. 

"I have an announcement to make." Slenderman replied. 

"Wait wait wait, lemme guess... you're pregnant! Congratulations! Who's the father?" Jeff joked. Slenderman whacked him with a tentacle. 

"S-Slendy is l-looking a b-b-bit more round i-i-in the mid-d-dle." Toby said, earning him a whack from the angry entity. 

"Who are we waiting for?" Eyeless Jack asked impatiently. 

"Tim, Brian, Jay, Habit, Firebrand, The Observer and Ben." Everyone groaned. 

"Do we really have to wait for Habit and The Observer? They're always late!" Liu complained. 

"We're always late huh?" The voice of The Observer came from the door where he and Habit were standing holding Starbucks. Jeff burst into laughter. 

"Why the fuck did you go to that basic white bitch coffee shop?" He wheezed out between laughs. 

"I like their frappuccinos." Habit said taking a sip of his. Slenderman sighed and shook is head. 

"Where's Firebrand?" He ask The Observer. 

"I don't know probably fucking around with Noah." He replied. 

"Go get him." Slenderman said. The Observer groaned and disappeared only to reappear seconds later with Firebrand. At the same time, Tim, Brian and Jay burst through the front door, slamming it shut behind them. 

"What's wrong?" Liu asked. 

"Cops.. thought I was some 'Sally Face' guy who murdered everyone in his apartment building. Didn't believe me when I said I wasn't." Tim gasped, removing his mask. 

"You didn't lead them here did you?" Jeff asked. 

"No, we lost them when we first got into the woods." Jay replied, he and Brian also removing their masks. 

"Alright we almost have everyone, where's Ben?" Laughing Jack asked. Suddenly a scream was heard from upstairs.

The Sally Face Killer (Sally Face and creepypasta crossover)Where stories live. Discover now