Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

Sal ducked under the boy who went crashing into the wall. Sal grabbed the coat hanger and dashed to the other side of the room and spun around to see the boy dashing towards him again. Sal charged, aiming the hanger at the boy's neck. His eyes widened at his makeshift weapon went through the boy's neck. The boy grabbed Sal's neck, choking him. Sal dropped the hanger and tried to pull the boy off him, but his hands went through him. 

"What the hell are you?" He choked out. The boy just grinned. Suddenly, a loud static filled the room, causing both Sal and the weird boy to fall to the ground, clutching their ears. 

"Ben, I told you to come downstairs." The voice of Slenderman rang out. 

"I know, but this human.." The boy, Ben, started. 

"I brought him here, look at his hand." Slenderman said, exasperated. Ben looked at Sal's hand and saw the mark on it. 

"Oh... whoops?" He said sheepishly. The static stopped and Sal was alone in his room again. He got up slowly and gently rubbed his neck. He recoiled his hand, feeling something wet on his neck. He looked down at his hand. 

'Fuck.. that kid... Ben... had sharp nails.'

 He thought to himself, looking at his bloody hand. He looked around, and found a bathroom attached to his room. He washed the blood off his hands and neck, and washed out the parts of his hair that got blood on them. He looked around and found some bandages. He wrapped them gently around his neck, then went and finished putting his hair in pigtails. He grabbed his mask and fastened it back onto his face. He sat on the bed with a sigh. Now, he just had to wait.

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