Chapter 9

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   "He has to go." " What?" Jack breaths out. 

 "We should never have trusted you!(Bunny looks heartbroken, betrayed, then shakes his head) Easter is... new beginnings, new life. Easter's about Hope. And now it's gone." He turns and shuffles away into willows chest. Willow wraps her arms around Bunny. Jack turns around, but North and Tooth turn away from him. He looks at Willow who he considers a mom. She looks at him with a sad understanding smile. She is disappointed but can understand why he did it.

Jack looks down and pulls out the wooden baby from North's nesting doll and drops it in the grass. He takes off. Willow lets go of Bunny and tries to stop Jack but Bunny grabs her arm. She turns around to look at him and he shakes his head. Tears gather in Willows eyes. Bunny pulls her into a hug and comforts her.

Willow's P.O.V

I cry into Thumpers chest. I need to talk to Jack but I'll let him cool off. Heh, no pun intended. I pull away from Thumpers arms. "I need to talk to him." I say wiping away some stray tears. "Why. He's a traitor." Thumper says angrily. "Because He might have a reason for not being here. And what if he didn't go to Pitch's lair. Something worse could of happened. Jack could have distracted him." I justify. "Why do you care!" Bunny yells at me. Oh no you don't.

"Because he is like a SON to me. I can't take him being upset over something that can be resolved easily. I get that you are upset with him but you don't know his side of the story. Yes he is guilty and that is good but he is still learning how to work with others. He has been alone for 300 years with no team work. He has worked alone with just himself for company. Yeah he knew all of you before this but never needed to work with one or all of you." I justify. They are all stunned. I take this opportunity to fly of and look for Jack. 

~~~~Time skip~~~~

I arrive at the south pole and get there and see Pitch slam Jack into the side of the ice with his black sand and lets Jack drop into a crevice. Pitch laughs as he drops Jacks broken staff down with him, and disappears. I fly down to Jack and see baby Tooth. "Jack! Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?" I bombard him with questions and check for injury like every mother ever. "Whoa, whoa, mom. I'm ok and i'm not hurt and I'll explain later." He answered all my questions. Baby Tooth shivers. I pick her up and make my hands warm and she stops shivering.

Jack stumbles backwards in shock as his pocket starts glowing with a golden light. He pulls the tooth-box out of his pocket. He looks at me and I nod. He opened the box and his eyes go full white. He is in this state for about three minutes then he gasps inside the fissure, still holding the tooth-box. Baby Tooth blinks at him.

 " Did you see- Did you see that? (Baby Tooth and I shake heads. Jack laughs as he hugs me excitedly and stands up with me along with him.) It- it was- it was me! I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her! (He laughs hysterically, then looks to the moon.) That's why you chose me... I'm- I'm a Guardian! We have to get out of here. (He slides over to his staff. He tries to fit the pieces back together, but nothing happens.) Ah!" He stands up and focuses this time, creating a blue light in the crack of the staff. 

The light grows brighter. I'm so proud of him. Jack and I fly out of the fissure with his staff whole, laughing and cheering. We fly Inside Pitch's Lair and fly from cage to cage, and opening them. " Come on, let's go! (The fairies respond plaintively) But what- what's wrong?" Not one has moved from their spot. "None of you can fly?" I ask. Baby Tooth indicates Pitch's globe. "The lights..., Jack the lights!" Jack Looks at Pitch's globe up close now. He looks at me. "They're all going out." There is one last light. Jack hops up onto the globe, kneeling over the last light "Jamie!" he exclaims. "Let's go! We don't have much time!" and with that we take off to Jamie's house.

When we get there we see him talking to a stuffed bunny. "Okay, look, you and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads. So, here's what's gonna happen: if- if it wasn't a dream, and if you are real, then you have to prove it. Like, right now. (We continue to listen.) I believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much - just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything at all." Nothing happens, so his expressions falls. "I knew it." He drops the rabbit off the bed. Jack looks saddened. He and I enter through the window. Jamie hears something and turns to the window. Frost appears on a lower windowpane, then a design is drawn out using an invisible finger - an egg with dots and squiggles decorating it. Jamie gasps in shock as he realizes what it is, looking down at his rabbit, then back to the window. In the next windowpane up, The colors begin to change forming a rabbit made from different colored frost. "He's real..."

Jack concentrates on the shape he's made and pulls the frost off the glass - into a 3D rabbit that hops around Jamie's room. I high five Jack. Which he returns. "Whoa! Hahaha! (Jamie bounces on the bed and laughs some more. Jack and I watches and laugh along. Jamie touches the rabbit and it bursts into colorful snow inside of his room.) Whoa! (He laughs some more.) ... Snow? (A snowflake lands on Jamie's nose.) Jack Frost..."

Jack and I spin to face Jamie's back. He looks at me. "Did he just say--" I just smile. Jamie stands back up on his bed. "Jack Frost?" He starts looking around his room. Jack gasps "He said it again! He said--( he looks from me to Jamie) You said--" Jamie turns around and his mouth is agape, looking right at Jack. "Jack Frost!" I am so happy for him. His first believer. " That's right! But- but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! You said my name! (Jamie is still gaping at him.) Wait, c- can you hear me? (Jamie nods.) Can- can you... can you see me? (Jack laughs in shock) He sees me! He- he sees me!" He does a back-flip in joy onto Jamie's table. "You just made it snow!"Jamie starts

"I know!"

"In my room!"

"I know!" Jack jumps off the desk and back near the window. "But why is it different colors?" I knew he was going to ask. Jack glances at me and nod my head at Jamie telling him he can tell my story. "Um, Have you ever heard of the spirit of Halloween?(Jamie nods) Well that was her." Jack points his thumb at me. I look at Jamie and he follows Jacks hand and his eyes go wide. "Hey, toughy. My names Willow Hallow. Nice to meet 'cha." I cross my arms and lean onto the desk."You're both real?" he asks. " Yeah, man- Who do you think brings you all the blizzards, and- and the snow days? And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?"

"That was you?!"

"That was me!!"

"Cool!" He starts bouncing on the bed as he speaks."And who do you think makes and refills candy bowls and makes Halloween costumes and changes the colors of the leaves every autumn?" "You do all that." He says dumbfounded. "Yup."

"But what about the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, like, I mean-" Jamie starts but is cut off by Jack. "We- Real, real, real! Every one of us is real!" "I knew it!"

"Jamie! (Jamie stops bouncing.) Who're you talking to?" " Uhm... (Jack cocks his head at the door and I raise an eyebrow) Jack Frost and Willow Hallow?" He says unsure. Ms.Bennett Laughs. "Okay..."

Jamie and Jack and I laugh together, then the windows flutter open wider. North's sleigh is on a crash course with Jamie's street.

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