Chapter 11

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(Took 2 hours but my computer is fixed)

Pitch is running off through the rooftops, but Jack pursues.

"All yours, men!" Thumper ducks into a tunnel and North follows. Pitch almost gets a surprise attack on Jack, but Tooth and I burst through some of the Nightmares. "Thanks guys!" Jacks says. Bunny appears out of a chimney. "Ho ho ho!" Then he attacks some Nightmares. "Hyah! (Looks over his shoulder at the fight.) Wrong roof. (But Pitch goes in that direction, so North is able to knock out his steed from under him. Pitch lands on the ground below. North attacks first, followed by Bunny interspersed with Tooth, then me, then Jack, who kicks him away. The five of us stand poised for Pitch to make his next move. The Dream-sand starts swirling around the kids

Caleb: Look at that!

Jamie: I got it. I know what we have to do! Let's go, come on!"

"It's over, Pitch. There's no place to hide." I yelled. Pitch disappears into the shadows and laughs, then reappears behind me. "Willow, look out!" I duck as he hurtles a boomerang at Pitch, who stumbles just long enough for a golden whip to wrap around Pitch's wrist. I ran over to Thumper and he put his arm around me. Pitch gets yanked all the way to a swirling mass of golden sand. We all begin to look hopeful. Out of the glow comes Sandman, smirking at Pitch, who can't believe his eyes. Sandman yanks him close, then tsks him silently, which I find hilarious. He punches Pitch into the air while still hanging onto Pitch by his whip, no looking more like a balloon string. "Go Sandy!!!!" I yelled.

Monty: The Sandman!

Sandy creates a bowler hat and tips it to the children and winks at me. Jamie gives a salute in response. Sandy notices his whip is twitching, so yanks Pitch down to the ground. He jumps for joy as then we all gather around him. "Sandy!" "C'mere!" Toot and Thumper said simultaneously. "Hahaha!" North then lifts Sandy up in his excitement. "Mate you are a sight for sore eyes." Thumper says and I fly over and bear hug him. Sandy pats my back with a silent laugh. I let him go then we look to see butterflies flutter around Pitch's head as he dozes thanks to Sandy's attack. Sandy rises up on his cloud of sand to control everything, bringing back beautiful dreams to children. The Tooth Fairies can fly again, so they each dash over to touch a tooth-box. "Pretty!" Sophie says then runs to me and I pick her up. "Hey Buggie."

Cupcake touches a Nightmare and it becomes her Unicorn dream again, clopping around the hill. Then gigantic dinosaurs walk through the town, manta rays and dolphins 'swimming' alongside them, plus schools of fish. I set Sophie down as Jamie is about to touch them but Jack throws a snowball at his back. Jamie laughs and picks up a snowball to fire back. He hits Monty, and the kids have another free-for all. Sandy descends to the ground as North approaches Jack. "Your center?" North asks. "Well, it took a while, but I figured it out." Jack replied. I walked over to him. "I am so proud of you Jack." I told him with a motherly smile. Then North tosses him his own carved wooden 'baby' for the center of a nesting doll. Jack smiles. North winks at Jack, then looks stunned as he was hit by a snowball. Caleb and Claude blame an elf.

"Haha! You're all on Naughty List! Bunny! Think fast!" He pelts Bunny in the face, I start laughing then Bunny smile when he sits up. I throw A snowball at Jacks face then take off flying and pick up Sophie and she starts giggling. I set her down then turn and look at Pitch with a grin on my face. "No... " He ducks from a Dream-sand Manta-ray. "You dare have fun in my presence?! I am the Boogeyman! And you will fear me!" Jamie runs right through him. "No! Oh... No..." The Guardians and I look on as Pitch becomes horrified, then bolts for the forest. Pitch crashes into North as they all stand on the frozen lake,then he falling to the ground. "Leaving party so soon?" North said "You didn't even say goodbye!" Tooth tosses him a quarter. " A quarter?" I just smirk and cross my arms.

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