The Emerald Secret

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Hi Things to know:
Y/N-Your Name
H/L-Hair Length
H/C-Hair Color (can be any color)
E/C-Eye Color
C/O/E-Color Of Ears
C/O/T-Color Of Tail (these two are the same)
F/C-Favorite Color
S/F/C-Second Favorite Color
F/F-Favorite Food
N/ N-Nick Name
Underline is your shadowknight self
~Means singing~
-Y/N's POV-
Me, Kim, Garroth, Lucinda and Aaron are in the car with Aaron driving with his earbuds on and Garroth keeps on saying are we there yet.
"Garroth you've been asking for an hour! Stop!" Lucinda says.
"Are we there yet?" Kim says smirking. Her and Garroth laugh and Lucinda face palms.
"Kim! Don't encourage him! Ugh Aaron Y/N can you believe them?!?"
"Huh? Oh sorry I put my earbuds on like about an hour ago haha when you first asked." Aaron says.
"I just went on my phone being entertained by this and video taping." I say.
"Are we there yet?" Garroth says.
"Grr! Switch seats with me!" Lucinda says as her and Garroth switch so she's in the middle. Glad I'm in the front.
We finally stop and Aaron turns around to face them.
"Where here guys." He says and Lucinda's face lightens up.
We all get out of the car and get our stuff out of the truck.
"Well here we are!" I say and Aaron turns and looks at the lodge.
"This place looks like a-
"Total dump" Lucinda says cutting Aaron off.
"Huh? I don't understand Our parents said this place was fantastic." Garroth says and I look at the lodge it did look like a dump. I don't get why they sent us here.
"Judge by the looks of things this place WAS fantastic, but that was years ago. Ugh see why I said this entire thing was fishy?!?!" I say and Kim looks at Garroth.
""It did sound to good to be true Garroth." Kim says.
"Yea but I don't it sounded awesome getting paid to vacation." Garroth said moving and looking up at the lodge.
"Garroth we are not vacationing!" Aaron says.
"Our parents said to fix things up." I say as well.
"Well. Nothing a few potions can't take care of and- uh wait wait. Where is my potion bag?!?!" Lucinda says liking theough the suit cases. Me and Aaron look back at the car and he goes look through the windows.
"I- I didn't see any other bags in the car maybe you forgot to bring it?" Kim says.
-In another place-
A orange and white cat come near a bag. "A potion bag? Maybe I can... he hit the bag and then suddenly two cats popped out of no where.
"FINALLY MY OWN ARMY!" He said and ran away with the two cats following with many more as well.
-Back to where we where-
"Grrr! There's no way I forgot to bring it! I probably put it on the ground and forgot to pick it up somewhere. Yeah!" She said panicking.
"It's ok Lucinda we can get you a new bag." I say to her.
"That's not the point! My wand and potions are in there." She says.
"Is it hard to make potions? Where would you go to get the ingredients? I didn't see any stores on the way here." Kim says.
"She does have a point Lucinda." I say to her.
Lucinda sighs and looks down at the ground
"I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions but it won't be easy." She says.
"Regardless. Lucinda I've heard about your cleaning potions from Dante and I'd rather we don't use those here. I want to fix the place up ourselves and not have everything disappear and then reappear in the neighbors back yard." Aaron says. Oh right that did happen.
"Garroth I'm here to earn something for someone I deeply care about. Those things aren't given. They're earned." Aaron says. Geese when did he become so wise.
"Ugh fair point..." Garroth says.
"Still I feel naked without my wanda or potions..." Lucinda says and then shutters.
"Maybe we should get inside it getting really cold." I say and then hug myself to try and warm myself up.
"Right." Aaron says and goes to the lodge door.
With us following.
Garroth tried opening the door but it was locked.
"The doors locked." Garroth says.
"Didn't your parents give you a key to this place?" Lucinda says.
"Uhhhh noooo..." Garroth says.
Seriously? Our parents ask us to come here and they don't give us a key?
"Are we going to freeze to death?!" Kim says a little scared and worried.
"Haha no worries I'm great with getting doors open. Just watch! Stand back everyone!" Garroth says turning back to the door.
Aaron picks up a key and shows it to Garroth.
"Levin put a key here." Aaron says showing it to Garroth.
Garroth looks at Aaron and then the key.
"Oh... okay..." Garroth says sad that he didn't break down the door.
Aaron unlocks the door with him going in and everyone else following with me being the last and then I close the door.
The place was huge I may say.
"Wow this place really is a dump." Lucinda says.
"Sure is Lucinda. Sure is." I say looking around it.
"I'm sure it's not so bad when the lights are on. Here let me get them and..." Kim says while trying to turn the lights on.
"The lights aren't working! WHERE GOING TO DIE!!" Kim says frantically.
"Now now Kim. No body died from a little darkness.
"Ugh the circuit breaker must be out." Aaron says.
"Which means everything else must be out in this place." Lucinda says.
"Any idea where the circuit breaker is?" I ask liking at Aaron.
Our parents sent Me, Aaron, and Garroth to go fix up this place. They said they will pay us but Aaron wants the money for other reasons.
"They are usually in the basement or the garage but I have no idea here looks like we are going to have to search for it." Aaron says and Kim's face turns pale a little.
"In the dark?!?!" She says scared.
"Unless it's outside..." I say and Kim smiles nervously.
"Oh great! It must be out there! I'll go check out there and you guys can check in there. Just in case!" She says rather fast and goes towards the door.
"Want me to go with you Kim?" Garroth asks.
"What? Pfft no I'm good you guys should search in here. No use in all of us looking outside! Haha! Be right back!" She says and opens the door and closes it on her way out.
"Hmm... odd behavior." Lucinda says.
"Ugh just let her check outside. It couldn't hurt." I say to Lucinda and she nods her head.
"I got a better idea let's just ask our parents where everything is let me give them a call and- Huh? No service?" Garroth says showing us his phone.
"Ugh I guess we'll have to get the phones working to. Guess that would mean we will have to get looking around by ourselves then." I say.
"Looks like this is an indoor fire place." Lucinda says while looking at a place in front of us with an opening.
"Maybe we can start it. Anyone got a match?" Garroth asks looking at it.
"All of my fire spell where in my bag. Haha Ugh oh darn it." Lucinda says.
I don't even think that would work it looks like this thing runs off a gas." I say while looking at a gas pipe that looks like it runs to the fire place.
"We could probably turn that on right next to the fuse box. Maybe warm this place up a bit." Aaron says.
"Right but uh maybe we should wait for Kim to finish looking around outside Incase the fuse box is outside." Garroth says.
"Sounds like a good idea. Don't want to wonder around in the dark for nothing." Lucinda says.
"Right. I wonder what Aphs up to I miss her so much already." Laurance says.
"I wonder what Laurance is up to as well..." I say.
-Laurence's POV-
I put my suitcase down in Aphs living room and I go upstairs down to where Aphmau and Zane are already there.
"Are you sure you have all the essentials?" Zane asks Aph completely ignoring me.
"Yep! Positive!" Aph says.
"Are you sure you got winter clothes?" Zane asks.
"I have enough of them." Aphmau says looking back at her bag then back at Zane.
"Hmm not good enough. I'm going to lend you one of my sweaters just in case." Zane says.
"Haha! What are you my mom?" Aph says.
"Yea Zane. Why are you worrying so much about her?" I say and he glares at me.
"I might as well be. The last thing I need is you catching a cold and dying.
Me and Aph start laughing.
" I'm not going to die Zane. I think your thinking wayyy into over this." Aph says.
"Sure are." I say.
"Hmph. We'll be that as it may so. TAKE MY SWEATSHIRT!" He yells at Aphmau trying to give her his sweatshirt.
"No!" Aphmau says backing away.
"Take it!" He says and Celestial comes in and barks at Zane.
"See even Celestial doesn't want Aphmau to take it." I say and Zane looks at celestia.
"Yes! That's true." Aph says.
"Oh how convenient using the dog to try to get away from getting my gift. Speaking of dog. Why is Laurance here and are you sure you don't want me to watch your pets?" Zane asks.
"Hey! I'm right here Zane!" I say and he looks at me.
"I know." He says and I glare at him.
"It's fur babies Zane. And Laurance is coming with me. Don't worry about it Zane they will be perfectly fine with my mom and Eric. But if you wanted to you can always go check on them. " Aph says and looks at Celstia.
"Perhaps I will." Zane says and looks at Celestia running around.
"Excited Garroth is Gone and me as well?" I say. I know he can't stand us.
"Yes! I was tired of Garroth and his exercise and you Laurance are just annoying." He says to me.
I growl at him.
"Whatever dork." I say.
"Why I outta-
The door bell rings and we all look at the door way.
"Huh? Who can that be?"
We go down the stairs to the door and Aphmau opens the door to see Levin and Malechai. Zane left to the kitchen.
"Well hello there long time no see!" Levin says.
"Are you selling cookies?" Aph asks and I snicker.
"Why does everyone think that?!?!" Malechai says.
"Pardon my brother here. I'm Levin and he's Malechai uh we helped you move into your houses when your uh neighborhood exploded." He said and coughed.
"Oh duh of course! I remember you now. Can I help you guys with something?" Aphmau says.
"Actually Yes! Where looking for Aaron Lycan." Levin says.
"Well I'm afraid you've already missed-
"Hey what's going on here?" Zane came.
"Oh good he's here Malechai." Levin said turning back to his brother.
"Oh good. Wait wasn't he your boyfriend before? Didn't he look different?" Malechai says.
Me and Aph face palm.
"Who would think he looks like Aaron." I say and I got punched by Zane which didn't hurt.
"I'm sure you've gotten him confused for someone else."
I laugh and look at Zane.
"Oh yes he's totally her boyfriend.
Look how buff he is. Isn't he a dream boat?" I say sarcastically and laugh.
"Didn't He used to walk around with his shirt open?" Malechai asks.
"He ends up looking like this in the winter because he eats to many cupcakes." Aph says and laughs.
"Awww young love!" Levin says.
"Either way Mr. Aaron we have important business to discuss with you about an important property purchase your parents made." Malechai says.
"What? Why? Is everything ok?" Aph says.
"What they made a purchase? That's unlike them... Please come in." Zane said. Levin and Malechai walked in and sat down on the couch next to me.
Aphmau and Zane where talking about something but I couldn't here them.
"So who are you?" Levin said.
"Oh I'm Laurance Zvahl." I said and they look at each other.
"Haha it's funny your family also was part of the purchase as well. As well with the Young family." Levin said.
"Oh really? I'm dating the daughter as well." I said.
"Hmm what a coincidence." Malechai said.
Zane came with Aphmau shortly coming after.
"So! What did you guys want to talk about?" Aphmau asked them.
"Well we sure are glad we were able to catch you before you left Hahaha. There's some...things you should know about the lodge." Malechai said. For some reason I heard dark music in the background.
Oh My Irene...

We Meet Again Laurance x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now