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Living as a Izuku Yagi - son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi wasn't easy. They told him they were buisnesspeople. But he lived in lies. They were Heroes - Toshinori was All Might - Number 1 hero and Symbol of piece and hope. Inko wasn't that lucky, she was #12 hero - Green  Titan. All Might has a strenght enchancing quirk while Green Titan has a power of Telekinesis. You'd think that Izuku has some amazingly overpowered quirk, 'cause that's how people call these powers... But the truth is he's quirkless.

He was tornmented by his equals, elders, even his parents turned on him. He was like air -nobody saw him. He got pretty depressed but even being quirkless couldn't stop him at being pro hero. Not just a normal pro hero like Endeavour. He wanted to be a hero that brings smile just by apearing. Hero like All Might.

- At Yagi Residence, 3rd POV -

Izuku woke up. All beaten up. He got used to it pretty normal. He was at second year of Middle school, his parents were all the time overseas. They had to take care of the company buisness. He got used to that as well. He lived alone from when he was six. He can cook, clean, he's a adult in teenager's body. He had to learn all those things if he wanted to survive. This time tho his feet were dangling from his bed, his pyjamas seemed too small as well. He shrugged it and got to the batroom. He was still dazed, so he couldn't understand what happended. He was taller - he was now 6'2" and buffer, but that's not everything. He realised just after he brushed his teeth. He wanted to make his hair, but he couldn't see his face. He saw his buff chest and hands. He didn't understand what happended but then it shot him. "My.. Quirk... It manifested... I was just a late bloomer..." He started crying out of joy. He then realised all his merch would be too small for him. He called school, told them what happended and that he won't be at school today. He took some clothes that seemed pretty good on him. Mostly presents from Grandma and Auties "Oh you'll grow up and they will be perfect" seems to work now... When he got dressed he rushed to closest mall. 

At mall he bought new uniform. Some new clothes, the store he bought in had a delivery of merch with new hero - Captain America. He got there god knows when and god knows how, but he was gaining popularity quickly. Izuku got 6 full bags of clothing and he began his way back home. But there was a polluted beach, he sat on the stairs. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly, the sea breeze filled his lungs.

-Steve's POV-

Ever since i woke up from that crash into the glacier things got pretty crazy. I found out 80% of people of earth have superpowers.. Or how they call them 'quirks'... I got sent to Japan, where villainousy was big. Since then i began my adventure as 'Captain America'. They updated my suit a bit and got me new shield.

One of those days. Bad mood filled me completely. I wonder if bucky got a proper funeral... I walked to the beach i used to focus my mind. It was polluted to it was empty 90% of the time. When i got there I saw a dark-green haired man. He got some bags filled with... Clothes?

"I hope you bought them sir. If you have stolen these, i will have to arrest ya." I said. Then the man turned to me... It was a child?

(A/n) sorry for not that long chapter but i wanted to get this started today... BY THE WAY! Suggest main ship for this fic. I think 'bout IzuJiro but... Idk... I'll let ya decide!

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