Chapter 4

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-Izuku's PoV-

I step into Cap's house once again. At the entrance i say quite loudly "I'm back" immediately Cap steps from the kitchen with a knife in hand. I take my fighting stance 'cause like wtf mate. He looks at me in confusion, then at the knife and chuckles. He then got it in other hand and said calmly "It's okay, I'm defenceless..." He stepped into the kitchen onfce again and got out without a knife, but with a small package, it looked like some kind of gift. "It's from your parents. After hearing your and their point of view... You made good, rational and adult decision. They messed up, but you should still reconsider forgiving them. Not straightahead of course, but they still love you. All they did was because of you. Without you world would be All-Might less and Green Titan less. They really miss you, yet they deserve the concequences." I open the present and my eyes insantly tear up. It was a photo of our family. I was around 4 in this pic... "They said they kept it with them on every mission. If that doesn't show they love you... I don't know what does" Cap said putting hand on my shoulder "I-My... Thank you Cap... For everything.." I gave him a bearhug and then I took the photo of the package "Tell them... Tell them I'll rethink it..." I said with a little smile forming thru the tears.

After that day my life consisted of going to school, training, eating, doing some homework (some cause my quirk gives me enchanced inteligence) and sometimes sleep. Turns out i don't need as much as normal people. It's kinda strange, since my metabolism is faster but oh well.

 After 8 months Cap said "No training today. We're going to my friend in a different country, wear some thin clothes, it;s hot in there." So i did, i wore some sweatpants and a t-shirt with All-M on. We were waiting in front of the house, when suddenly some attracting beam took us upward, we arrived in some spaceship. There was a bald woman driving it and a man in cat-like suit. Cap got in front of him and bowed "My king" The man chuckled and said "Quit with formalities Steve." Cap immediately stood up and shook his hand. Then the man looked on me. I was shivering, his suit was kinda scary. "So i guess you're Izuku Yagi, right?" I nodded, he was in front of me so quick that even I found it hard to track "Great to see next Captain America. Or should I say Captain Japan" he stuck his hand forward, I gladly accepted the handshake "'Green' will be enough." I said corecting him. We flew for about half an hour, after some beautifull sightseeing, a scary moments of almost crashing into the mountain and a lot of laugh from T'challa and the bald lady, we arrived in some futuristic utopia... T'challa took me to some lab, where I saw some girl working on something "Shuri!" He screamed at her. 'So that's her name, huh?'. She got out and stood in front of us. T'challa pointed at her "This is my sister, Shuri. She developed my suit and almost everything here. She made you some shields and a suit." Shuri then waved "Hi! I hope we get along" She stuck her hand forward, I kissed it and said "The pleasure is all mine" like in some cheap romantic comedy. I thought Shuri would be embarrased to say the least, but she turned it to her side and said "Who would think a cinnamon roll like this likes older than himself" and winked in my direction. Now I was the one embarassed. "Now, Shuri, show Izuku here what you made for him." T'challa send me a death glare and went somewhere...

Shuri took me by the hand and led me somewhere in between her suff "So. I made you a couple of shields, try and tell me which one you'd like the most, if you have any ideas, go ahead and tell me." She stood there proud like a paecock, I got a better look at the table, full of equipment, my eyes immediately fell onto two shields, african styled, they looked reliable and easy to operate. "How about these?" I asked pointing at them "Oh, Cap actually used the previous model once, but these are version 2.0, The lower parts can be shot at the enemy and then used back, they attract back after hit. You like em?" I tried them on. "Imma take these."

Shuri seemed happy "Okay! Now onto the suit!" She screamed once again taking me by the hand

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Shuri seemed happy "Okay! Now onto the suit!" She screamed once again taking me by the hand. She showed me suit for me. It was kinda like cap's but it was mostly green, with white gauntlets that were long, they ended after elbow. The top and pants were green and black, with red utility belt and red and black shoes. The Helmet had a red G on it, the mouth piece was metal.

 The Helmet had a red G on it, the mouth piece was metal

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(Literall combination of these two)

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(Literall combination of these two)

I wore it and it fit me right. "Thank you Shuri" i said giving her a smile, mouthpiece was off so she saw it. "No problem, go on a date with me and we're even." She said smirking at me. Fuck Izuku think... I know! "I think my girlfriend wouldn't be so happy about it..." Shuri was dumbfolded "Girlfriend! My cinnamon roll is taken!? By who?" Fuck fuck fuck Izuku think... Kendo! I may have met her once but hawk it... "Itsuka Kendo... We met 8 months ago and started texting, after about two months, we started dating..." I said, Shuri nodded and said "She's a lucky one. If it doesn't work out, call me, kay?" I nodded, took my things and left.

In the plane i thought about Itsuka, I got her phone and all but nothing really happended between us... Cap saw my face and asked "Everything allright Izuku?" I told him about Itsuka, he thought for a while "Every hero needs a woman in his life. If you think it could work, give it a shot. You might like what happended, and if it won't work out, nothing much will happen, you can try again with another one. You'll eventually find the one your heart longs for..." He probably ment Peggy he told me about... When I come home I have to text her...

Izuku The Winter Solider [Adopted by @Weeb Lewis]Where stories live. Discover now