Chapter 6

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*Rose POV*

The cold draft in the hallway chilled me, even through my sweater, as Blaze and I walked through the castle the next day. One of Blaze's cousins had arrived early for the Feast, and we were going to see them. We arrived at a door, and Blaze knocked once before opening it. The room was large and obviously a common room, with it's couches and T.V.'s. Sitting on the largest couch, were Winter and two other vampires I didn't know.

"Jet," said Blaze, grinning.

The male vampire with the shock of curly dark hair stood up. "Blaze, it's been ages!" he said warmly, "And who might this be?"

"This is Rose," said Blaze, "She's a...friend of mine."

"Well, then it is nice to meet you Rose." he said, reaching out to shake my hand.

"Hello again Blaze." said the girl, standing up. She was beautiful, perhaps even more so than winter, with her long dark blond hair and large green eyes.

"Hello, Marie." said Blaze, smiling widely.

"Rose," said Winter, "Will you come with me to tell Axel that Jet and Marie are here?"

"Sure." I said.

"We'll be back in a second." Winter said to the others, and we left.

"Ugh," Winter said once we were out of the room, "I don't know how I'll put up with her disgusting thoughts about Blaze."

"What do you mean her thoughts?" I asked, confused.

"Blaze didn't tell you?" she said, surprised.

"Tell me what?" I said impatiantly.

"That vampires can read minds." she said simply.

"What?" I said, shocked, "No, as a matter of fact he did not."

"Oh," she laughed, "Well vampires have telepathy. Some are better at it then others. I'm the best in the family, Blaze is decent with it though."

"So, you guys can read my mind?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah," she said, "only when we want to though, not all the time. Some of us are really bad at it, like Marie otherwise she'd know I find her infatuation with my brother disgusting."

"Wait, she likes Blaze?" I said sourly, "I thought she was your cousin."

"No, Jet's our cousin. Marie is his personal assistant, although they are more friends than anything." said Winter, tossing her pale hair over her shoulder.

"Hmph." I muttered as we reached Axel's room.

"Axel!" Winter called, banging on the door, "Jet and Marie want to see you!"

"I'm busy! I'll come by later." he called back, not bothering to open the door.

"Whatever," Winter said, "that was a waste of a trip."

We made our way back to the room where Blaze and Marie shared a couch, their heads bent together as they laughed over something. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. Jet was browsing a small book case, a small frown on his lips. I made my way over to him as Winter sat down and claimed the T.V.

"Hey, Jet." I said.

"Hello Rose." he said sadly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He tilted his head toward Marie and Blaze.

"Oh, you like her?" I guessed.

He nodded. "She's always been sweet on Blaze." he muttered darkly. "Dont get me wrong," he added, "Blaze is a very good friend of mine. I just wish he and Marie weren't so..."

I felt the knot in my stomach tighten and I fought off a scowl. Then something occured to me. "Wanna make her jealous?" I asked slyly.

"Heck yeah." he said, "You'd do that?"

"Well, sure." I said.

We went and sat on the couch next to Blaze and Marie's. Jet winked and threw a lazy arm around my shoulder.

"So, Jet," I said, "Tell me about where you're from."

He started, and I giggled loudly at a joke he told. He fingered my hair and kept talking, but stopped suddenly when Blaze stood in front of us.

"Rose, we'd better be going. It's getting late." he said tightly.

"It's only eight thirty." I pointed out.

"We were up early." Blaze said, I noticed his jaw was tight, "Come on."

I stood up and said, "See you Jet."

"I'll definately be looking for you tomorrow Rose." Jet said, grinning.

Blaze nodded curtly to Jet and wrapped an arm around my waist, leading me out of the room. Neither of us said anything as we walked back to our room. Blaze opened the door and I went and sat on the bed.

"Jet's nice." I said, feeling satisfaction in seeing Blaze's fist tighten slightly.

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have taken you to meet them." he said.

"What?" I said, surprised.

"He was all over you. It's not safe, he's a vampire." said Blaze.

I snorted. "Yeah and what are you, the Easter Bunny?"

Blaze shot me a look. "You know what I mean." he said stoically.

He wasn't making any sense. He didn't mind me hanging out with Axel or Winter? Why would he care that Jet was a vampire....then I figured it out. Blaze was jealous. That's why he was acting like that. I felt a rush of glee and couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"You're jealous." I accused, grinning hugely.

"Am not." he protested, "I'm just...concerned for your safety."

"Suuuure you are." I said smugly.

He glared at me and said nothing. I walked passd him and into my closet. I pulled on short shorts and a cami for pajamas. I walked back out and sauntered over to the bed, crawling under the covers next to Blaze. He pulled me against him, like every night. I found myself wishing I could read minds like vampires. Then I would know what he was thinking. He was probably wishing it was Marie in his bed instead, I thought bitterly.

Blaze suddenly chuckled and said, "So, Winter told you about telepathy, eh?"

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Get out of my head!" I said.

Blaze just smirked. "And for your information, I most definately do not wish it were Marie instead in my bed." he said.

I felt my face turn even redder and I tried to roll away, but he wouldn't let me.

"Go to sleep Rose." he told me, and I happily obliged.

Kidnapped and given away to my soulmate. Just a typical situation. NOT.Where stories live. Discover now