Chapter 8

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"She nothing." said Harold, his voice final, "She is an unmated human who is under our power. Therefore, we get to decide what to do with her. And she will marry Julian." I felt my heart sink at the finality of his words.

Suddenly the door swung open, and in walked a grinning Julian.

"Hey there Wifey, can't wait for the night after the wedding." he said, winking.

That's when Blaze lunged forward, tackling Julian to the ground.

*Rose POV*

The two boys tumbled to the ground, and Harold immediately acted, grabbing Blaze by the collar and pulling him back up.

"Blaze!" he said, "apologize to your brother!"

"No," said Blaze, who was struggling in his father's grip, "He shouldn't get to talk to her that way! And he is NOT marrying her!"

"Blaze, honey," said Alice, "It's for the best. Rose will be a good influence on Julian."

"Yesh, Blaze, she'll be a good influence on me," said Julian mockingly, as he dusted himself off.

"No, I won't let-" Blaze began, but was cut off by Harold.

"This is final!" Harold said, his voice booming, "Now, seeing as the Feast is tomorrow, I need to prepare. Leave, and do not let me hear that you've been fighting."

"Perhaps it would be best if you switched rooms and stayed with Julian," Alice said to me, "you could get to know eachother better."

"Uh, no thanks." I said stiffly.

She smiled sadly and nodded her consent, as though she almost felt bad, and Julian, Blaze, and I left the room.

"Well, I for one agree with my dearest mother," said Julian cheekily, "Why don't you come stay in my room?"

"Not in this lifetime, brother," spat Blaze, saying brother like it was a swear word.

"Come on," I said quietly, grabbing Blaze's arm and pulling him away from Julian.

Blaze stared moodily ahead. I didn't really get why he was so mad. I mean, if I marry his brother, wouldn't he get to see me more? I mean, we are friends. Sure, Julian was a little sketchy, but he'd been really nice to me when Blaze was ignoring me. Don't get me wrong though, I so didn't want to marry him.

"Blaze? You ok?" I asked. We'd made it to our room, and I noticed Blaze gripping the bed post a little too tightly.

"Perfectly fine." he said.

"Ooookay then," I said, "Look, let's just forget about this whole thing for a while. I really do not want to think about it."

"Ok," he said hesitantly, before sitting down next to me on the bed.

"So, this Feast thing, will I be going?" I asked.

"Of course," he said, "Every member of the house hold must go."

"Oh." I said, "what should I wear?"

"Winter will send you something." he said.

"Is it fun?" I asked.

"Fun?" he said, seeming surprised at my choice of a word, "I suppose so. You'll see, tomorrow."

I had one more question. One I was slightly hesitant to ask, and I opened my mouth to voice it just as Winter burst through the doors to our room.

"Time to get you fitted for a dress!" she sang, grabbing my arm.

"Oh, uh, ok," I said, as she pulled me through the maze of the castle.

We reached her room and she dragged me over to a row of dresses. Each was beautiful, detailed, elaborate. There was a strapless pink one with silver threading, a deep emerald green one with an empire waist, a baby blue mermaid style one, and many more.

"Where do I start?" I asked, slightly breathless.

"How about...this one," she said, handing me a peach colored dress. I slipped it on in the changing room, but she immediately deemed it wrong.

Half an hour later, we both had dresses. Now it was just time to wait for the Feast.


ok, I know this is like super, super, super, short. SorryDX the next one is gonna be long and dramatic so...yeah. a fan.(:

But it might not come for a while, cuz I'm doing NaNoWriMo

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2010 ⏰

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