Chapter 7

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*Rose POV*

I woke up and crawled out of bed slowly. I made my way across the stone floor to the shower. After I was done, I pulled on dark shorts and a grey tank top with a flowy black sweater over it. I straightened my hair, noticing how long it had gotten, almost to the small of my back. I finished my make up, before going and sitting on the bed again, next to Blaze's still sleeping form.

"Blaze!" I said, poking him in the shoulder.

"Mmm," he murmered and rolled over, staying asleep.

"Blaze!!" I said again, poking him harder. He kept on sleeping.

"Whatever." I said, and made my way to the door to go and get breakfast.

I had some cereal, and walked out of the kitchen only to run directly into something hard. Arms reached out and straightened me, and I looked up into Blaze's smirking face.

"So you finally got up, I see." I said.

"About that," he said, "You should've woken me."

"I tried!" I said incredulously, "you wouldn't get up."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever," he said, "Anyway, my parents want to see you."

"What? Why?" I asked, slightly nervous.

"I'm not sure. They said they had some idea or something," he said, frowning.

"Um...ok," I said. He smirked and grabbed m hand, pulling me down the hallway. "Wait, now?" I squeaked.

"Yes," he said, "And relax."

I gulped and kept walking. When I imagined his parents, I pictured cruel, Dracula-like figures, so I was surprised a few minutes later when he opened the door, revealing a smiling couple. They looked about middle aged, so I figured that's how old they'd been when they'd been changed. The woman was petite and had short blond hair and blue eyes. The man next to her had thick dark hair and matching dark eyes.

"Hello deary," said the woman, "you must be Rose."

"Uh, yeah," I said, smiling.

"I don't much like fancy titles, so you can just call me Alice. This is my husband, Harold." she said, walking over to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Alice." I said.

"Hey, mom." said Blaze. Alice patted his cheek and grinned at him.

"So, what did you want Rose to come for?" Blaze asked.

"Well...." Alice said, glancing at her husband.

"We'e been thinking," Harold said, "that a human would be perfect for what we're looking for."

"Yes, and from what we've heard, you'd be absolutely perfect." said Alice.

I was confused. They really needed to get to the point. Perfect for what?

"You see," said Alice, wringing her hands nervously, "First of all, Blaze, you have rejected her as a slave?"

"Of course, you know I don't approve of that." said Blaze.

"So, technically if the heads of the family want to claim her for something, then they can." said Harold, "And we are the heads."

"Claim her for what?" said Blaze, moving to stand in front of me.

"We want to have her marry Julian." said Alice, grinning as though it was the greatest thing ever.

"WHAT?" Blaze yelled.

Alice gave him a look and said, "We need someone who's nice and gentle and can teach him some self control. From what I've heard, Rose will be perfect."

"No way," I said, butting in, "I don't mean to be rude, but that's not happening."

Alice looked upset. "I'm sorry honey, but you don't really have a choice. Besides, I know in the end you'll be happy."

"Not likely." I insisted.

Alice looked sad. I could tell she was determined to make this happen, but she was also the kind of person to want everyone to be happy. But I could not suck it up and do this. No fricking way. Not only did I not even like Julian that way, but I was still a little anxious about the first time he saw me and wanted to drink my blood.

Suddenly I was torn away from my thoughts by Blaze grabbing me rougly. He pulled me possesively to his side and said, "No. No, mom, Julian will kill her."

"He would never do such a thing!" Alice insisted.

"It might even be by accident!" Blaze insisted, "And even if there was no threat in that regard... still, she-"

"She nothing." said Howard, his voice final, "She is an unmated human who is under our power. Therefore, we get to decide what to do with her. And she will marry Julian." I felt my heart sink at the finality of his words.

Suddenly the door swung open, and in walked a grinning Julian.

"Hey there Wifey, can't wait for the night after the wedding." he said, winking.

That's when Blaze lunged forward, tackling Julian to the ground.


Sorry it's short, but I needed to put something up, cause I've been taking forever. Sorry bout the waitDX

Comment, vote, all that jazz:)

And don't worry, this isn't an arranged marriage story. Look very closely at Harold's words and you'll see a possible way out.

Kidnapped and given away to my soulmate. Just a typical situation. NOT.Where stories live. Discover now