Chapter 4

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*Rose POV*

The three of us swam and played around for a long time, before we got out and changed. Blaze and I went to the library. Yeah, there castle had the biggest library I've ever seen. I wondered just how big this freaking place was anyways.

"Whatcha readin?" I asked him curiously.

"Pride and Prejudice." he said, "For the eighteenth time."

"You've read that huge thing eighteen times?" I asked, shocked.

"You're forgetting how long I've been around." he pointed out.

"Yeah." I said, feeling childish for reading Maximum Ride for the second time, instead of classic literature.

A while later, we went up to the room to go to bed.

I crawled into bed and buried my head in my pillows. For some reason I couldn't get that scene out of my head. Blaze leaning forward, so close, and then an interruption.

"You ok?" I heard Blaze asked, as he crawled in next to me.

"I'm fine." I said, turning to face him.

"Ok." he said, watching me carefully.

"Yeah..." I said. I felt my eyes start to drift shut.

When I woke up, I felt strangely warm. I squirmed a bit, and realized it was the lack of cold arms around me. I sat up and saw that Blaze was nowhere to be found. Then I saw the note on the pillow, right next to my head. It read:

I'll be gone all day. Working on feast preperations. Stay in the room.

Wow, I thought, that seemed...impersonal. I snorted at the last part, like I would really stay in this room all day.

I got dressed and headed out. I decided I might as well go exploring.

*Blaze POV*

Distance. That's what I needed right now: Distance.

A human. Really? How much more stupid could I get. So many things could go wrong. So many. No, no. I mustn't get attached.


*Rose POV*

I wandered down the hallways idly. I lost count of how many stair cases I climbed, how many turns I took. I must have been walking for hours. There were so many beautiful rooms. There were ornate bedrooms, large rooms filled with random pieces o ancient furniture, but my favorite of them all was one of the most simplistic.

It was large, and the walls were creamy white, matching the alabaster marble floor. In the very center was a glossy black grand piano, perectly in tune.

I sat on the bench and started playing basic scales. I took lessons a long time ago, when I was little. I was bit rusty, but I remembered some things. A while later, my stomach grumbled, interrupting my playing. Time for a late lunch.

I made my way through the castle randomly, trying to find the kitchen. Finally, I found a maid and asked her. Hoping I wouldn't forget her instructions, I hurried on my way. I burst through the doors of the kitchen a few minutes later, only to freeze. Once again, Julian was sitting at the kitchen table.

He looked up when I entered. "Rose," he said remorsefully, "I have been meaning to speak with you. I would like to apologize for my awful behavior."

"Oh," I said, surprised. "It's alright."

"It's not, but thank you. Perhaps we could start fresh?" he said.

"I...sure." I said, a little weirded out.

This dude was seriously bi polar. But...he did seem so sincere. I decided to give him a chance. But if he even looked at my neck...

"So how are you enjoying our fine castle?" he asked amiably.

"It's really pretty." I said truthfully.

"Pretty?" he said, raising an eyebrow, "Most people wouldn't say that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"It doesn't seem...creepily empty to you?" he said, "I mean only about six of us live here year round, and there's easily hundreds of rooms. Lots of dark endless hallways..."

I shuddered. "Well, I didn't think of it that way until you said that." I said accusingly, rolling my eyes to show I was teasing.

"Don't worry, the only monsters you have to fear are us." he said.

"Yeah." I said. But really, vampires were scary enough.

During our conversation I had made and eaten a sandwhich, mmm much better. I'd discovered it was later than I thought, almost seven now. Guess I was in the piano room for longer than I thought.

"I'd better get going." I said to Julian, "I'll see you."

"Yes, until we meet again." he said, taking my hand and kissing it in a regal manner. I blushed and he pulled away.

I walked to my room, opening the big doors and stepping in. Blaze was already there, standing a few feet in as though he had just arrived.

"I told you to stay in the room." he said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"And you expected me to listen?" I countered.

He muttered something under his breath. "Well," he said aloud, "I just stopped by to let you know of new arrangements."

Stopped by? And what was with his icy tone? The playful, kind Blaze was gone. He was replaced by a Blaze who wouldn't meet my eyes, who's voice was cut off and indifferent.

"What arrangements?" I asked.

"I will be staying in a different room." he said flatly.

"What, why?" I said, surprised.

He met my eyes for a second before dropping his gaze to the floor. "You're a human. You're technically my slave. This set up is innapropriate." he said emotionlessly.

"What...Blaze what do you mean?" I said, my voice shaky.

He stared at me for a long moment. His face softened for an instance, then turned hard. "I'll see you, Rose." he said, ignoring my question. He walked out the door without looking back.

What was that?, I thought angrily, he pretends to be my friend, gets me to tell him my whole freaking life story, then acts like this?

I found myself fighting back tears. Everyone was like this. Everyone. No one ever, ever stays kind.


sad moment:(

But it will get better

So, probably no Blaze pov for a while, his sounds a little...cheesy to me.

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Kidnapped and given away to my soulmate. Just a typical situation. NOT.Where stories live. Discover now