Little Black Dress

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Little black dress just walked into the room.

I see her walk in with some of her friends from across the full bar, and I can only make one clear thought. That I want her, and I don't care about anything else, or my current girlfriend who had already disappeared with a drunk guy. It was over anyways. I watch her as she scans the crowd with her brown eyes before they land on me, and I can't help but smirk.

Makin' heads turn. Can't stop looking at you.

Vico notices me staring, and I can hear the smile in his voice when he sees who I'm looking at. I expect him to tell me that I have a terrible taste in girls, but I can't help but like her brown wavy hair, or the outline of her nose. This girl is... Attractive. I can't peel my eyes off of her. I watch closely as one of her friends whispers into her ear, then nod her head towards me.

"She's hot, dude. Hotter then Lou," Vico tells me, slamming two drinks in front of me before taking a drag from his cigarette. "I'd go after her now. Other people are staring at her too."

I look around, only to see that he's right. All of the boys in here are staring at her right now, probably the shape of her body, and to be honest, it is good. But I can't stop staring at her face, something tell me to know more about her. No matter what it takes.

Vico has already disappeared, probably with the blonde girl who was flirting with him since we got here. We didn't plan to get drunk tonight, but it looks like staying sober is out the window tonight. I take the drinks that Vico gave me, and make my way towards her, ignoring the short brunette standing next to her.

"I'm Brandon," I tell her, surprised by how confident I sound. By now I would have made a fool of myself. I hold the beer out to her. "Care for a drink?"

She gives me a lopsided smile as she takes it, taking a small sip. "Thanks." Now that she's closer, I know that I've made the right choice to talk to her. She seems... Different is safe to say, I guess.

"No name?" I ask, and she just laughs as her friend disappears.

"Callie." She offers, and I smile, running my fingers through my hair, only to notice her staring at me, and I smirk.

"Find me hot or something?" I ask her, the alcohol already affecting me, and Callie just shrugs, leaning against the wall behind her.

"Attractive, I guess. I was kinda jealous when my sister was staring at you."

Sister. Probably the girl who just disappeared. "She seems kinda young."

"Just turned eighteen. Yeah, I guess she is. But it's not her first time in a bar. When I first met her, I almost got kicked out because she went to a party and got drunk."

"Oh. So you were adopted?"

"All of us. I have two moms," Callie gives me a small sad smile, and I feel bad for asking so many questions. "A younger brother who went into the system with me."

By the tone of her voice, I asked to many touchy questions, and she's about to say something, that she should find her sister and leave, but I don't want her too. I want her to stay.

It's too late, it's too late to go home.

"Hey, don't go yet," I say, and I can tell that she's surprised by me stoping her, my hand wrapping around her bare arm, her skin warm against mine. "It's too late. Now I really wanna know you."

I order both of us another drink, and wait for her to tell me more about her, and she does. She tells me about how her father was drunk when him and her mother were in a car crash. How she went from house to house before she met her mothers, Stef and Lena. The next thing she tells me is a surprise.

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