No control

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My first response when I wake up this morning is to roll back over and go to bed, but I'm surprised when Callie is still laying next to me. Everybody knows we're together, but she usually goes back to her and Mariana's room before everybody wakes up.

I can't help but smile at how innocent she looks. Only if. We're still crammed onto my small bed, and on instinct, I wrap my arm around her protectively. Even in her sleep, she's irresistible.

I run my hand through Callie's messy hair, almost chuckling at the way it seemed do whatever it wanted, forgetting when it was already thoroughly debauched from sex the night before.

I lean in, slowly again not to disturb Callie too suddenly, and planted feather-light kisses on her eyelids, down her nose, and either side of her mouth, pulling back slightly when Callie sighs again happily and the corners of her mouth turns up.

I glance at the clock, 8:30, this was the latest either of us had slept in a while. I don't mind early mornings, as long as he woke up next to Callie. But with the time being so late, I figure I wake Callie up before the twins do.

I gently press my lips against Callie's, moving them slowly and with purpose as I cup her cheek with one hand, the other reaching under the pillow to entwine my fingers with the hand Callie was laying on.

Callie snuffles happily and begins returning the kiss slowly and gently as she wakes up more and sighs happily. I roll Callie onto her back slowly, and lay on top of her, grinning as Callie hits my arm gently. I just stare at her, not able to say anything. Callie has that affect on everybody.


"Nothing, gorgeous," I respond with another kiss, deeper this time and slightly more insistent, moving her hands above her head, gently locking our fingers together without breaking the kiss, then deepened it while slightly rolling my hips against hers.

"Brandon," Callie murmurs sleepily. "It's too early for this. It's only 8:00."

"8:30, thank you very much. You know, I had a good dream last night."

"Mmmm. About what?" Callie asks, looking at me.

"Well," I chuckle, "You were there. And I was there. And we where here, on this bed..." I say, my fingers trailing up and down the bare skin of her hip where her-my shirt had lifted slightly as my words trail off.

"And?" Callie raised her eyebrows at me, probably having an idea where this was going.
My lips are against her neck, sucking gently. "I have a job interview today." She reminds me, and I smile before biting gently.

"Good. They'll know you're mine," I whisper into her ear. "That the only person who can to touch you is me."

Callie just laughs slightly and I move back to her mouth, "They should be terrified of you." Callie whispers, and rolls her hips against mine.

"Anyways, back to my dream," I tell her, only causing her to roll her eyes at me. "I was fucking you senseless." I whisper, causing the breath to hitch in her throat, I continue to nibble on her skin and Callie quietly groans.

"Babe, it's 8 in the morning though," Callie half moans, half whines. She tries to sit up to get out of bed, but I firmly grip her hip with one hand before pulling her back against my chest. My hips roll up towards her and she gasps quietly.

"I need you so bad right now, Callie," I groan into her ear and roll my hips again. I press my lips to the skin below her ear and bite at it, causing a moan to escape her lips.

"Fuck, Brandon. Fine," Callie breathes out before pushing me onto my back, swinging one leg over my waist, straddling me. I smile up at her, gently grabbing her face in my hands and pressing my lips against hers. Her tongue runs over my bottom lip and I open my mouth eagerly. Kissing Callie was always amazing because she's so good at it and she vaguely tastes like cotton candy. As she continues to deepen the kiss, her hips ground down against mine, eliciting a groan from me. I feel her smirk into our kiss and repeat her action harder.

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