Parker's POV
We enter the living room, and see James laying down on the couch in sweatpants and a muscle shirt. "Guessing your heat is done?" He nods and I look around the room. "Where's Mom at?" He shrugs and I groan in frustration. I drag Taylor through the large house to look for my Mom. "Mom! Where are you?!" I look around, and I spot something in the back of the house.
We get outside, and I see a tiger figure jumping through the trees. "Mom!" The tiger jumps down and I realize it isn't Mom. "Um... Is she alright?" The tiger launches towards us, and I quickly shift to stop it. I'm tackled to the ground by it, and I claw at the being to get it off of me. I look over to see Taylor with some scales and claws showing.
'Fucking help me damn it! This isn't my mother!' I take a claw to the side of my face, and my fur is slightly red with blood. Taylor gets the tiger off of me, and quickly jabs it a few times with his claws. It roars in pain, and seems to slowly go numb from something. I shift back, and look towards Taylor. His eyes are teal in color, rather than his normal hazel ones.
I crouch down near the tiger to check its vitals. Its breathing slow, and its heartbeat seems to be slowing down a little bit. "What did you do to it? Its heartbeat is slowing down slightly." Taylor's scales disappear and his claws retract to normal. "It's venom in my claws. Merfolk have it to defend ourselves against other supernaturals, other than our aqua-magicae."
A/N: It's pronounced Magi-kai.
I hear the back door open, and Mom quickly holds me in a hug. "Are you boys okay?" We both nod, and Mom looks me over and checks my wounds. His palms glow a purple color as he runs them over my wounds, healing them quickly. We head inside, and I go to my room to get dressed in new clothes. I see Mom and James chatting with Taylor.
I just stay on the stairs and look at Taylor's features. His blonde hair, toned body, and lightly tanned skin. 'You want to come down and chat? Or, are you going to be drooling over him all day?' I look towards my mom, who has a smirk on his lips. I head downstairs and sit down next to Taylor, who tenses up slightly. "So, what were you guys talking about?"
"We were talking about how..." I look at Taylor for him to continue. Since, he went quiet on finishing his sentence. "About?" He pulls me towards him, and holds me against his chest. I instinctively purr, but why is Hector making me purr? "You're my mate, Parker. That's what we were talking about." I don't hear any skips of his heartbeat, and I look up at him. I don't see anything tell me he is lying. I lean up to him, and kiss him on his cheek.
Someone clears their throat and I see Mom glaring at us. "If you guys are going to be hanging out. I suggest you head out now, before I change my mind." "What about t-" "I'll deal with it. I'll make some calls, and I can see your sister when I'm out." At the sound of seeing my older sister, Briana, James is jumpy and excited in his seat.
"Can I go with? I'd like to see Briana." Mom sighs, "Fine. You're lucky I don't send you all to school immediately after your heats." James fist pumps the air with a cheer. For an 18 year old, he acts very childish. I feel Taylor groping my ass, and I giggle slightly. "Okay, you two should get going, and no funny business." He glares towards us, and seems to be aiming daggers at Taylor. I can sense his fear, which is very much justified.
I open a portal to the school, so that we can get his car and drive there. We arrive to his house on the river side, its a decently sized house with a light blue coloring. We walk up to the porch, and a little boy and girl are playing with some toys. They look to be around eight or nine years old. "Tay-Tay!" The little girl screams and run towards us to give Taylor a big hug. I realize she doesn't smell like a Merfolk too much, but more like a Were. I have no clue what type of Were though.
"What are you?" I look down to see hazel green eyes, which have an innocent sparkle to them. "You smell like my Mama, but..." I squat down, and give her a friendly smile. "I'm a Weretiger. A white one at that." I can sense her fear when I say I'm a Weretiger. I go ahead and use my magic to create some translucent stallions. They gallop around her, leaving a trail of sparkles. They stop and jump into the air, disappearing into a spark of light.
We all head inside, and there is a woman in the kitchen; furthermore, it seems she is mixing a bowl of batter. "I'm home, Dama!" The woman smiles warmly at Taylor, but her eyes go wide when they land on me. I wave slightly, "Now, who is this young man?" She's stopped what she is doing, and now standing next to me. "I'm Parker-" I try to say, but am cut off. "He's my mate, Dama."
I see the woman glare, but it doesn't seem to be directed towards me. I follow her line of sight towards Taylor, who has very much lost some color in his skin. "First off, you don't interrupt your mate." She walks over to me, and holds me in a comforting hug. "Secondly, if you hurt this adorable being that is your mate. I will make sure you feel pain, and it won't matter if you're my son."
I hear him groan, "Great... Now I have two parents on my ass... Soon I'm going to have another parent, and a couple sibling-in-laws." I chuckle at his frustration , "So, Parker. Are you a supernatural, or?" I smile warmly at her, "I'm a Weretiger and a wizard. My Dad is a Werewolf, and my mom is a Weretiger and a wizard." She is about to respond when I smell something burning. "Shit!" Dama, runs over to the kitchen, and pulls out a burnt...something. Taylor leans over to me, "Well that was a great start to meeting the family."

The Curse of Time (On Hiatus)
FantasíaParker Morrison is the middle child of 12. He is 17 years old and he is a white Weretiger. His dad is a Werewolf, and the current beta of the Red Moon Pack. His mom is a Weretiger, and is their magic teacher. He himself is a bit of a nerd, but makes...