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Months passed and Woojin and Chan grew both as individuals and together as a couple. They pushed each other to be better but also knew each other's limits. Now, this isn't to say their relationship was perfect. For example, just before summer, when Felix finally showed up, Woojin became a little jealous that Chan was still caring so much for Changbin. However, the elder was quick to apologize for his behavior. This was what their relationship was, making mistakes but knowing they did and apologizing for it. Although it took some time to get there, these two worked so well together. On their one-year anniversary, Chan was confident that he had found his soulmate with Woojin.

Despite having philophobia, Woojin found the love of his life. Woojin did not believe he could love anyone more than Chan and Chan, he knew he couldn't love anyone more than Woojin.

Prue and wholesome ending

The final chapter. This is sort of like and epilogue more than a chapter but whatever.

Thank you to everyone that stuck around to continue reading after I stopped uploading for while. You guys are amazing! The MinSung companion book will hopfully start getting uploaded tomorrow.

Hope you all enjoyed this story!

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