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The twins had brought Danie to the hospital wing. When you entered the the wing the twins finally let go of her. " What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked. " I just had a cut on my hand it's not a big deal. I told them I was fine but professor McGonagall insisted that I was brought here" Danielle sighed. "Come take a seat next to miss Granger I'll be there in a minute" Pomfrey walked off. " Hermione is here?" George asked in a whisper. The three of them exchange worry looks." You guys better go, I'll catch up with you in a bit" the twins are a bit hesitant but eventually say their goodbyes and leave. Danielle walked over to Hermione. Her fase obviously red from crying. She was laying down, holding her hands over her mouth. " Hermione?" Her big brown eyes looked up at Danielle. " D-danie?" She asked sitting up " hey what's wrong?" Danie took a seat beside her. " Malfoy cast a spell and it hit me in the face." She sniffled " it made my front teath grow quite large. And ....and professor Snape said that he saw no difference" Hermione let a few tears slip from her eyes. " Oh Hermione " Danie pulled her into a tight hug. " Madam Pomfrey fixed them but....are they really that big?...my front teach I mean" Danielle slowly removed Hermione's hands from her mouth and looked at her pearly white teeth. " All I see are perfectly white shiny teeth to match the adorably beautiful girl they belong to" Danielle smiled at her. Hermione smiled at her " you think I'm beautiful?" Danie was a bit taken back by this. Has no one ever told Hermione how beautiful she is. Yes Hermione's hair was big and frizzy and her nose was a little too big for her face but she was a perfectly pretty girl. " Absolutely! And in my opinion Snape has no right to make comments on anyone's appearance consider it looks like he hasn't had a shower since 1970" this made Hermione giggle a little. " He called me a mud blood" " Snape?!" "No Malfoy. I know I shouldn't pay any mid to him but when I hear that...word...I feel like I don't belong anywhere. " Danie grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. " Hermione......whats your middle name?". " Jean". "Thank you, Hermione Jean Granger. You are a perfectly valid witch and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise! You are the perfect mixture of both the magical and mundane world's, you have more knowledge about the world as a whole and how it works " Hermione looked at Danie wide eyed hanging onto every word she spoke as if she was in class. " Knowledge is one of the deadliest weapons a person can hold and you hold it. Be proud of where you come from and who you are!" Hermione wrapped her arms around Danielle's neck. " Thank you Danielle, Harry really has the best big sister" Danie pet the younger girls hair. "You can consider me your big sister too if you'd like" Danie suggested. She loved Harry with all her heart but she had always thought having a little sister would be fun. She had heard alot about both Ron and Hermione from Dumbledore's letters and see what the can do in her dreams. She felt as though she already knew them. "I would love that!" Hermione replied looking happily at the older witch. " ah Miss Potter " the 2 girls turn their heads to see professor Dumbledore and an elderly man with wild white hair who was unmistakably Mr. Ollivander. " Mr. Ollivander were just heading down stairs to meet with the Champions would you two care to join us?" Dumbledore asked with a soft smile. " I'm afraid Miss Granger will have to stay a bit longer for opseration, " said Madame Pomfrey walking over to them. "Go , say hi to Harry for me " Danie nodded and went with Dumbledore and Ollivander. " It's been awhile Mr. Ollivander" Danie smiled making small talk as they walked downstairs. "Yes indeed, a 10 1/2 willow wood if I'm not mistaken" he was referring to her wand. " You are not mistaken,pre usual" Danie replied. " Just like your mother's, but the core, the core was dragon heart string " This made Danie smile. She loved anything that connected her to her mother. Soon enough they reached a very beautiful decorated room. Fleur and Cedric were in deep conversation well Viktor sat silently. Harry was no where to be seen, perhaps he hadn't come yet. Danielle walked over to Viktor. "Congratulations on becoming a champion" he looked at her and gave a blank smile, yet not unfriendly. "Vank you" he replied in a heavy accident. "Vait aren't you friends vith the frizzy haired girl?"he asked curiously " I'm am" Viktor now had a day dreamy face on. Staring off into nothing. "She is very pretty" "Hermione" "vwhat?" Viktor snapped back to reality. "That's her name, Hermione Granger" Danie explained. It was obvious Viktor fancied Hermione though she couldn't tell if she was helping or causing more problems. "Vank you!" He replied. "I do NOT have tears in my eyes. " Harry's voice could be heard from a broom closet. Danie walked over to the closet door. "Harry what are you doing in the.........ugh its you" Danielle had opened the door to see Rita Skeeter bumbarding a clearly uncomfortable Harry with questions. "Danie!" Harry yelled in relief."who are you?" Rita asked, annoyed. Danie took Harry by the hand and helped him out of the closet, ignoring Rita. "Hermione says hi" Danie smiled ignoring her. "How is she?" Harry asked as they walked back to were the others where. " She's ok, madam Pomfrey is just keeping her for opseration" Danie explained. "Who are you?" Rita asked again with a little more force behind her voice. " This is Danielle Potter" Dumbledore explained. Rita's face lit up. " The sister of Harry Potter!? I must get an interview!" She exclaimed "I'm only here to support my brother" Danie stated clearly.
Mr.Ollivander sat down and took time to inspect the Champions wands. Fleur was first. Her wand was probably the most unique as the core of her wand was veela hair. Next was Cedric, Mr.Ollivander was especially pleased with how well we took care of his wand. Then it was Viktor turn. Lastly was Harry. Ollivander took an bit longer with his wand then the others. "So how old are you?". "where have to been all this time?" "Did Harry know you where alive? " Well ollivander inspected Harry's wand Rita took this time to ask Danie questions, none of which she answered. Rita finally got annoyed with the silence and stopped. Mr. Ollivander handed Harry his wand back to him. " Thank you all, you may go back to your lessons now --- or perhaps it would be quicker just to go down to dinner , as they are about to end." Dumbledore explained. " Photos Dumbledore, photos" cried Bagman enthusiastically. " All the judges and Champions. What do you think Rita?" " Oh, yes. Let's do those first" Rita's eyes where doily on Harry. " And perhaps some individuals as well" she clapped her hands together. Fleur was say in a stool in the front with the boys standing around her. Viktor looked almost shy, trying to hide himself behind Fleur as much as he could manage. Rita ran up and fixed them at least once every picture. Finally they were done with the group photo and moved onto the individual pictures. Harry, of course was the last to go. The camera man took a few pictures of a very uncomfortable Harry. " I think that's enough. It's dinner time and Harry needs some rest" Dumbledore chimed in. "Oh just on more, perhaps is Danielle!" Rita boomed. "There's really no need for any pictures of me " Danielle voice her opinion. "Oh come one you two are the most famous wizards of our century! " Rita grabbed Danie by the arm. "If you couldn't tell neither Harry or I like the attention so if you don't mind" Danielle took Harry by the hand and walked with him out of the room. "Thanks" Harry said softly. "Anytime" Harry and Danie talked about their classes and mutual dislike for Snape. It was nice. Danie felt like she was really bonding with her brother. Harry didn't say very long for dinner. He ate then left for the dorms. Not long after Danie did the same.

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