The War to End all Wars

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Hazel eyes opened to see a pure white.... train station? Though it wasn't kings cross but instead the one Danie had taken so anytime to and from Beauxbaton. She was sitting on a metal bench. She could hear a faint groaning, she looked around to see if she could figure out where it was coming from, but no body was around. She leaned her head down and peered underneath her seat.
"Oh my god!" She jumped up and stumbled backwards. If was a bloodied baby looking thin. About the size of an elf or smaller. Balled, naked. Bloody looking.
"That's the horcruxes that was inside you" Danie looked behind her to see a woman of similar appearance. At first she thought it was a reflection. A mirror personification of herself. But this woman was not her. She was
The woman smiled at the girl.
"Wait that was the horcruxes. Meaning it's not apart of me anymore, meaning...."
"Not necessarily, walk with me" the Lily Potter started to walk away and Danie followed.
"So am I dead?" Danie asked looked straight ahead.
"Well, I think that's up to you. This is your train staion after all. " Lily smiled at her daughter. Danie looked forward and back at the white station.
"I hated this place. I've never hated anything more in my life....well almost " her hands clenched in fists. She took a breath and released them.
"Because you had to leave"
"Because I had to become another person. I don't even know who Danielle Potter is. I know who Lily Evens is but Danielle. I have no idea" Danie stopped and Lily stopped to look back at her. She walked over to her daughter and held her head gently in her hands.
"Then you are on the same page as everyone else" she pet her cheek then let go and continued walking and once again Danie followed.
"You said it was up to me. To decide whether I live or die"
"I did say that didn't I . "
"How..... I don't know if....."
"Danielle" she lifted her head to look at her mother.
"You are so much more than you know. " She pet her identical Auburn hair. " This is only your Destiny if you make it so, from a young age you had control of your magic abilities" Danie looked down at her feet. She took a moment to try and thing, not noticing that she could no longer feel her mother's touch.
"I know what I have to do" Danie said as she lifted her gaze. She spun around looking for her mother that wasn't there.
"Mum? Mum!" She called into the distance. She could see a figure in the distance. A boy being consumed by light.
"Harry!!" She yelled running twords him. She reached out for him as light filled her senses.
The light subsided and it was dark. She could feel the grass beneath her, and the chilling forest air. She could feel her fingertips barely touching the unruly tangled hair of her brother. She could her the breeze moving through the trees carrying muffled voices. Oxygen started to fill her lungs with life. Footsteps grew closer and closer. The faint murmurs of a whisper were close. The footsteps came by Danielle's head. Then in a soft yet clear voice.
"Dead" the forest filled with laughter.
The next thing Danie knew she was being carried by someone and she had a feeling as of who. His dirt infested beard and raid drop like tears grazed her pale skin.

The crowd of Hogwarts staff and students gathered around in the court yard to get a better look at what was coming. What they saw horrified them.
"Danie" George almost screamed.
"The Potter's are dead!" Voldemort announced triumphantly.
"NOOoo!!" George crys mixed will Ginny's . He tried to run to her or at him. Fred and Lee had to grab him. He struggled against their restraints. There was silence.
"Stupid children, the Potter's are dead. From this day forward you put your faith in me." Voldemort demanded. The wrestling at the wind picked up. The snake like man turned to his death eaters.
"The Potter's are dead!" He exclaimed, his followers cheered out in joy. He turned back to the civilians of Hogwarts.
"Now is the time to declare yourself and join us. Or die" it was quite once more.
"Draco" the raspy voice of Lucius Malfoy called. " Draco"
"Draco" said the soothing voice of his mother.
"Ah well done Draco, well done" Voldemort embraced Draco in an awkward exchange. The place fell quiet once more. The limping steps of Neville Longbottom echoed in the square.
"Well I must say I'd hoped for better." The death eaters lifted with laughter.
"And how may you be young man?" Voldemort asked.
"Neville Longbottom" they started laughing harder. "Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you amongst our ranks-"
"I'd like to say something." Neville blurted out. Voldemort was clearly disturbed by this.
"Well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say"
" It doesn't matter that their gone-"
"Stand down Neville" Seamus advised.
" People die everyday! Friends, family...yeah. we lost Harry and Danie tonight, but their still with, us. In here" Neville placed a hand over his heart. George grabbed onto his brother.
"So is Remus, Tonks all of them. They didn't die invein!" Neville turned to meet eyes with Voldemort. "But you will! Because you're wrong! The Potter's hearts did beat for us! For all of us!" And like a true Gryffindor Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat. "It's not over"

Danie's eyes shot open and she pushed herself out of Hagrid's arms along with Harry.
"Beautifully said Neville" Danie smiled at him. Danie casted a nonverbal spell at Nagini that just bounced off.
"Common this way" Danie followed Harry through the walkway. Voldemort casted fire spells at the, all which bounced off thanks to Danie's protection. They got to the door of Hogwarts. Harry caught up with Ron and Hermione well Danie was pulled inside and greeted with a pair of oh so familiar lips. Her mischievous lover. She ran her fingers through his ginger hair and he pulled her closer to him.
"I thought I lost you" he whispered in a breathy voice.
"For a moment there you did" her hazel eyes met his brown ones.
(If you get that reference I love you!!)
"You can snogg later we have a war to finish" Fred yelled at them. They let out a laugh. Hand in hand Danie and George followed Fred and Lee into the fire of battle.  Danie ditched her robe as it was slowing her down forgetting her wand along with it. Her mind was focused on ending this once and for all. She was trying to find Harry but was too busy being bombarded by death eaters. Angelina and Alicia joined their little group.
"Danie where's your wand?" Alicia exclaimed.
"Not important right now!" Danie called back. "Incendeio!" Brilliant flames shot out of her hand catching the cloaks of some death eaters on fire.
"Haha! It's just like we're back in school!" Lee laughed out. The twins had large grins of their faces.
"You're bloody mad Jordan!" Angelina smiled. The 6 of them where in a circle. They had each others backs and holding their own against the the death eater.

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