The Third Trial

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The schools, staff and family members were now in bleachers surrounding the ground of the humongous hedge maze on the Quidditch pitch. Fred, George and Danie where in the front not too far away from Ron, Bill, Mrs. Weasley and Hermione. Danie hadn't let go of George hand since he took it at dinner. Though she handed really noticed. She was too nervous to care. "ladies and gentlemen the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin let me remind you of how the points currently stand tied in first place on 80 five points each mr. Cedric Diggory and mr. Harry Potter both of Hogwarts school" Mr. Bagman announced. The crowed went wild with cheer. "In second place on 80 points Mr. ViKtor come from Durmstrang institute" More Applause and cheers. " And in third place Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!" There wasn't as much as excitement for Fleur but she was still appreciated." So , on my whistle Harry and Cedric,.... 3.... 2... 1!" Bagman blow his whistle they both walked into the maze the hedges closing behind them blocking the view of the crowd. Though the audience members didn't seem to care much they were still just as excited. Danie watched the headgear with worried eyes. George and Fred on the other hand were cheering as loud as any.

Harry and Cedric walk together about 50 yd until they reached a fork in their path. They looked at eachother. "See you" said Harry taking the left path, Cedric taking the right. Wegmans whistle went off again signaling Krum to enter the maze. Harry's fed up and went down a path that looked pretty deserted. One final time bagman whistle blow. Meaning all 4 Champions were now in the maze. The race defined the cup I now began. not only were they fighting against different spells hexes and monsters but they were also fighting against time itself. Harry took out his lawn and said it flat on the palm of his hand and whispered "point me" directed him North. he knew that he had to go Northwest to get to the center of the maze. He took a left and then a right. Going down another empty path. Harry was starting to feel a bit more calm wondering why he was so nervous. He had yet to come across any hexes are monsters. When suddenly a very shaken Cedric ran into him. The sleeve of his robe was smoking. " Hagrid's blast ended skrewts " the older boy hissed. " They're enormous I only just got a away" Perry shook his head and dived out of the way morning to put as much distance between him and the school skewts as possible. A dementor with heading right for him. Harry could feel the coldness creeping up on him. Harry hold forth his happiest thought. It was of him Ron and Hermione celebrating after he had got out of maze. "Expecto patronum!" He cried. a bright silver stag erupted from the end of Harry's wand and attacked the dementor making it stumbled back. But dementors don't stumble back. " Hang on, your a Boggart. Riddikulus!" The dementor was now gone and so was the silvery stag. Harry wish she could have stayed for company. Harry turn left then right then left again he found himself at dead ends. He did the four-point spell again and found he was going to far East. Harry turn back and went right. He saw some gold mist a head of him. Harry shotta spell edit but to no avail. Harry considered weather or not he should try going the mist when he heard a scream. "Fleur!" He called out. There was silence now she know the screen came from somewhere ahead and decided to head straight into the mist. As he did so everything was turned upside down. It was as if his feet were glued onto the grass and he was now staring down at a bottomless sky. You know how to choices he could send up red Sparks into the sky and one of the teachers would come to collect. Or he can move his foot pain either walk away or fall into the sky. He pulled his foot from off the ground and with that the world was right side up again. Harry looked for Fleur but she was nowhere to be seen. Running for another 10 minutes turning this way and that hitting dead ends. Then Harry came face to face with a Skewt. Cedric was definitely right about being it being enormous. Harriet acted with few different spells but nothing seemed to work so he did the next best thing, run! He ran turning every which way trying to lose it.

Fleur was brought out of the maze and taken to the medical tent immediately. She was twitching and shaking. Whispers were going around the audience. "Cruciatus" Danie whispered. " What?" The twins started at her. " Someone used the cruciatus curse on her" Danie told them. Trying to keep a low voice not that it really mattered, not that anyone really hear her In this crowd. " Are you sure?" "But that's illegal". " Remember Moodys lesson. The spider" Danie was more worried then ever. She held onto George arm. The twins didn't look quite ATS excited as they were in the beginning of the task.

Back in the maze the sound of Cedric's voice made Harry stop dead in his tracks. " What are you doing?" He yelled. " What they hell d'you thing you're doing!" Then the voice of Viktor Krum. " Crucio" the maze was now filled with the screams of Cedric. Harry started looking for a path to Cedric. When Harry couldn't find one he burned a hole through the hedge and crawled his way through tearing his robe. To his right was Cedric on the ground twitching with Viktor standing over top of him. Viktor saw Harry and made a run for it. " Stupefy!" Yelled Harry hitting Viktor in the back knocking him unconscious. Cedric had now stopped twitching and was now panting. " Are you alright?" Harry asked grabbing Cedric's arm and pulling him up. " Yeah...yeah. I don't believe it. ..he crept up behind me....I heard him, I turned round and he had his wand on me.." Cedric explained. He was still a bit shaky. " I can't believe this....I thought he was all right" Said Harry staring at Viktor. " So did I " said Cedric. " Did you hear Fleur scream earlier?" " Yeah, you don't think Krum did got her do you?" Asked Cedric. " I don't know" Replied Harry. " Should we leave him here?" Cedric looked to Harry. " No, I reckon we should send up red Sparks, Someone'll come and collect him..... otherwise the Skrewts will eat him" said Harry. " He deserves it" mumbled Cedric but raised his wand and shot our red Sparks.

The crowed watched red Sparks fly up into the air. " Do ya think its Harry?" Asked Fred. Danie had a serious expression on her face. She shook her head.

Cedric and Harry were racing twords the Cup. It was right infront of then now. Cedric coming from one way, Harry another. Cedric was going to get there first. His legs were longer than Harry's. When a large figure climbed over the hedge to their left. Obstructing Harry's path and heading for Cedric. " Cedric On your left!" Harry yelled. It was a massive spider. Black and furry with sharp Pincers. Cedric just barely dodged it. Tripping in the process his mom on flying out of his hand. . Harry started to cast defensive spells at the beast. This only seemed to make it mad. And instead of Harry it came after Harry. Harry was hoisted up into the air by the leg being grabbed my one of the spiders pincers. Cutting into Harry's leg. "Expelliarmus!" Cedric yelled. The disarming spell seemed to have worked but it ment Harry was dropped from 12 feet in the air onto his already bad leg. And in one final attempt they both yelled "Stupify!" That seemed to do it. The spider toppled over. " Are you okay? Did it fall on you? " Asked Cedric "no" answered Harry. His leg was bleeding bad now. The were now stuck with the choice. Who got the cup? "You told me about the dragons, I would've gone down in the first round of you hadn't told me what was coming" Cedric said interesting Harry should be the one to take the cup. " You helped me with the egg, we're square" Harry insisting Cedric be the ones to take the cup knowing how much it would mean to Hufflepuff after centuries of not having such Glory. "Just take the cup!" Yelled Harry. " No!" Yelled Cedric. " Together" Harry looked at Cedric in the eyes. " You sure?" The older boy asked. " Yeah, we've helped eachother out, we've both got here. Let's just take it together" " your on, come here" Cedric walked over to harry and picked him put her arm right below his shoulder and helped him limp to the cup. " On three" Cedric nods. "1....2...3..." Both boys grab onto opposite Handels at the same time. Wind starts to spin around them. The maze starts to change as they turn.

Danie's chest scar had hurt during the entirety of the trial. She expected this much as Harry was going to be in danger the entire time. It was a mild pain,, manageable and could even be ignored. But suddenly she felt something different. Like a Invisible force was pressing on her chest making it hard to breath. Everything around her started spinning. And with that she collapsed on the floor of the bleacher

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