To the night of the party.

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The next week was much more exciting then previous. Not only had Charlie and Danie spent their nights talking and George's continuous letters but on the day of the Hogsmeade trip Katie Bell had been carried in to the hospital wing by Hagrid.
"Hagrid?" Danie noticed the frail Quidditch player in his arms. "Come lay her over here. Madam Pomfrey!" Danie called the older healer over as Hagrid layed Katie down onto the hospital bed.
"What happened?"
"Don't know, Arry came an got me. Said she'd been cursed." Hagrid explained."told professor McGonagall on m'way here"
Danie looked over Katie. There were no visible markings. She was very pale. Danie couldn't help but feel protective of her. She had been so kind when Danie had joined the team last year. She was always giving Danie time on how to fly better and in return she would help Katie with subjects she struggled in. Danie touched Katies forehead gently to get a feel for her temperature. Danie assumed she'd be cold from being outside.
A pale green glow zoomed over Katie. Danie's breath hitched and she stumbled back a little.
"I think professor Snape will have a better understanding of what this is, Hargid " Madam Pomfrey said. Danie looked up to see if either of them had noticed, when no evidence of them being aware Danie looked back down to Katie. Hagrid rushed off to go find professor Snape.
It wasn't long before I Professed Severus came into the hospital wing along with Professor McGonagall.
"Severus. Katies been cursed. From what I can tell this is some very dark magic" Danie explained. Severus winced at Danie calling him by his first name.
"I'm aware. That oaf Hagrid told me. Step aside" Severus got closer to the bedside to inspect Katie.
"Mrs. Bell was found carrying a cured necklace" McGonagall told Severus.
The greasy haired man looked over Katie.
"Fortunately something seems to be stopping the curse from causing anymore damage but nothing here can provide her with the treatment she needs. "
Katie was sent to st Mungo's the next morning. Danie spend a great deal of time pondering what exactly she did to Katie. At the very least it wasn't bad. What she couldn't wrap her head around was that she did it without her wand. Her wand was in her pocket, naturally but she didn't cast a spell. Nonverbal or otherwise. Before long her thoughts were interrupted by the golden trio.
"Hey, what happened to you three?" She asked looking at their scratched up hands.
"Snargaluff, but uh...we need to talk" Harry said.
"Follow me" Danie led them twords the back of the hospital wing and sat then down and the bad. She summoned some of her Dittany tea.
"What is it you want to talked about?" Pouring each of the three 6th years a cup of tea.
Harry explained firstly what Dumbledore had shown Harry in the two lessons they've had. Danie was not expecting Dumbledore to tell Harry about Voldemort's past but at the same time it made sense. Young Voldemort. What a thought.
"Wow, scary thought, the boy You Who Who" Ron said quietly "but I still don't get why Dumbledore is showing you all this I mean it's pretty interesting and everything but what's the point"
"Dunno" said Harry
I think it's fascinating it makes absolute sense to know as much about Voldemort as possible how else will you find out his weaknesses" Hermione said.
"As well as Voldemort knows almost everything about Harry. If Harry knows just as much as Voldemort then it makes for an even playing Feild" Danie added.
"So how was Slughorn's latest party?" Harry asked changing the subject.
" oh it was quite fine really " Hermione said" I mean, he drones on his famous ex pupils a bit but he absolutely songs mclaggen because he's so well-connected, but he gave us some really nice food and introduced us to Gwenog Jones"
"As in the Quidditch player?" Danie asked.
"Yes, personally I thought she was a bit full of herself but-"
"She is Slughorn pupil" Harry groaned.
"Anyway" said Hermione continuing "Slughorn's going to have a Christmas party, Harry, there's no way you'll be able to wiggle out of this one because he actually asked me to check your free evenings, so he could be sure to have it on a night you will be able to come."
"And this is another party just for Slughorn favorites is it? " Ron asked clearly not happy that his friends got invited to something he did not. Danie decided now would not be the best time to tell them that Slughorn had invited her to come and join the festivities.
"Just for the slug club yes" Hermione told Ron" Look I didn't make up the name Slug club"
"Slug club" repeated Ron, with a nasty sneer "it's pathetic well I hope you enjoy your party. Why don't you try getting off with Maclaggan, then Slughorn can make you king and queen slug-"
"We're allowed to bring guests" said Hermione, her face flushing " and I was going to ask you to come but if you think it's stupid that I won't bother" Harry looked very uncomfortable and Danie didn't blame him.
"You were going to ask me?" Ron asked quietly.
"Yes" Hermione said "but obviously is you'd rather I 'got off with Maclaggan"
"I wouldn't"
" I think you three should be off to class" Danie sighed cleaning up the tea. Harry looked thankful to get away from the Slug club conversation. As the three of them were walking way Danie grabbed Hermione by the wrist, gently.
"If you ever need someone to talk too" she nodded and ran off to catch up with the guys.

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