The Second War begins

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In a brief statement on Friday night Ministry of magic, Cornelius fudge, confirm that he who must not be named as return to this country and is once more active.'It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself lord -- well you know who I mean, is alive and amongst us again' said fudge looking tired and flustered as he addressed reporters.
'It is with almost equal regret that we report the mass revolt of Dementors of Azkaban have been shown themselves adverse to continuing in the ministry's employ.  We believe that the Dementors are currently taking direction from Lord thingy. '
' we are still magical population to remain vigilant the ministry is currently publishing guides to elementary home and personal defense which will be delivered free to all wizarding homes within the coming months.'
The Ministers statement was met with dismay and alarm from The wizarding community ,which as recently as last Wednesday was receiving Ministry assurance that there was no truth whatsoever and these persistent rumors that you know who is operating amongst us once more.
Details of the events that led to ministry turn around are still hazy though it is believed that he who must not be named  select band follower  (known as Death eaters) gain entry into the ministry of magic itself on Thursday evening. Albus Dumbledore newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry, reinstated member of the international Confederation of wizards and reinstated chef Warlock of the Wizengamot, has so far been unavailable for comment.
He has insisted over the past year that you know who is not dead, as was widely hoped and believed, but is recruiting followers over more for a fresh attempt to seize power. Meanwhile, the 'Boy who lived'--

"There you are Harry I knew they dragged you into it somehow" said Hermione who had been reading the daily prophet. They were in the hospital wing. Harry and Luna were the only one clear to go but they came back to visit. Danie was laying in her bed, with her head propped up on some pillows with Harry sitting on the bed of her bed. Her cuts weren't all the way healed yet, but thanks to Madam Pomfrey she felt a whole lot better. It still hurt to move but she felt like is she spent much longer in the bed she would go crazy.
" He's 'The Boy Who Lived ' again now, isn't he?" Ron said darkly. "Not such a deluded show off is he?" Ron took a hand full of chocolate frogs and handed out of to all except luna who was busy reading the Quibbler.
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you now, Harry" said Hermione as she scanned the prophet article. She read off a few supportive quotes about Harry.

It doesn't matter what they think. What matters in the the public is now ware of the situation and can take precautions." Danie said simply.  She tried to sit up a little more, clutching her side and letting out a soft hiss at the pain. "You need to stop doing that" Ron told her. "Madam Pomfrey said that is better to stay laying down " added Neville. Danie let out a heavy sigh. " If I stay in this bed much longer I think I might forget how to use my legs" She told them. They gave sympathetic looks. Luckily no one was seriously injured aside from Danie. They had all took some hard blows but we're making speedy recoveries. Danie was recovering but a much slower rate. The cuts from the Slicing charm weren't especially deep but she lost alot of blood that night. Mixed with Danie and Voldemort infiltrating Harry's mind at the same time, spelt a long and boring healing process.
"You know who's last attempt to take over , page two to four. What the Ministry should have told us, page five. Why nobody listened to Albus Dumbledore, page six to eight. The mysteries and the girl who lived page nine. Exclusive interview page ten-- "

"Well" said Hermione, folding the newspaper and throwing it to the side. " It's certainly given them alot to write about. And the interview with Harry wasn't Exclusive, it's the one that was in the Quibbler months ago..."
"Daddy  sold it to them" Luna told them in a dazed voice, flipping the page of her Quibbler. "He got a good price for it too, so we're going to go and expedition to Sweden this summer to see if we can find a Crumpled Horned Snort back. "
Hermione looked like she wasn't to say something but changed her mind. "That sounds lovely" Danie smiled at the frizzy hair girl. "Send us pictures won't you?" Danie said.
"Of course"
"So, anyway" Hermione straightened herself but winced at her bruises. "What's going on in the school?"
"Well, Flitch's got rid of Fred and George's swamp " said Ginny " he did it in about three seconds. But he left a tiny patch under the window and he roped it off."
"Why?" Asked Hermione
" Oh, he just says it was a really good bit of magic" said Ginny.
"I think he left it as a monument to Fred and George" Ron said. This made Danie smile. It reminded her that she still needed to finish her letters. She summoned them to her lap with a quill and some ink well the others chatted. She had one for George/Fred and one for Charlie. She finished Charlie's first. She simply went over there events that took place leading up to the battle at the department of mysteries and what happened afterwards. Explaining that everyone was already. She decided to avoid telling him that she got hit with a Slicing charm, as to not worry him when she knew he already wished he was in England helping the order.
The second letter was for George but she knew that Fred read then too. She occasionally wrote letters to them individually but the just said it was a waste of parchment.

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