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(Week 22 of pregnancy)

Minho opened the door and entered Jisung's room. He left his jacket in the armchair of the room and dragging a chair to the left side of the chestnut bed, sat on it. -Hello. Without getting an answer

He let out a weary sigh and let himself fall back on the chair. I was frustrated. Today while doing the cashier cut in the cafeteria where his boss worked, he had asked for the person he least wanted to know in those moments. And in his moment of frustration, he let go of everything. Of course he said it in an educated way, he did not want to be fired.

His boss had been shocked, and Minho did not know what had impacted him more, if the fact that Venus was in prison thanks to a demand on the part of the child for almost killing his boyfriend and son on the way, or the fact that he I had a pregnant boyfriend.

He rubbed his eyes and leaned forward again. He put his hand on Jisung's bulging belly and greeted his little one as he did the last visits. The little one answered with two taps in his hand.

-Hello to you too small-smiled. Do you know a baby thing? I had been thinking of some names for you. But I do not know if your mother likes you. Do you want to hear them? -

The little kick and Minho smiled.

-I had thought, little one, Minsung, Jiho, Sungho, I have something with the combinations of my name and your mother's. Did you know baby? He narrowed his eyes and stopped caressing Jisung's stomach.

For a while there was nothing, but soon the baby was kicking again.

-I'm sure we'll choose a good name for you. I can not wait to hold you in my arms, did you know? -

The little one stopped moving from one moment to another. Minho did not know what this meant, but he supposed he might have fallen asleep. She separated her hand from her boyfriend's belly and settled into the chair.

He spent a long time just watching jisung, his eyes began to close little by little. His head fell, which made him wake up, rubbed his eyes and gave light blows to his cheeks.

He fixed his gaze on Jisung and realized that his fingers and eyelids were moving frantically, he might be having a dream maybe. He did not worry until the electrocardiogram started registering a very fast heart rate, fast enough to appear normal.

He stood up quickly and went in search of a doctor.


Jisung opened his eyes abruptly. I look directly to the front, but I could only see white. I try to speak, but only got a choked moan. Little by little he became aware of what was around him. He realized where he was and remembered why he was there. By reflex he put his hands to his belly and when he felt the bulge closed his eyes and released a breath through his nose, relieved.

"Jesung," he heard a man's voice, and as he looked where the voice came from, he could see a man in a white coat, and behind him was an agitated Minho. It's a relief that you woke up. Do you know why you are here? -

Jisung nodded.

-All right. I need to remove the tube, but for that I'll have to sedate you, so you will not feel pain when you remove it, okay? -The chestnut nodded again and watched as the doctor left for a moment and came back with a syringe in his right hand.

He approached Jisung and inserted the needle into his arm, little by little his eyelids began to feel heavy, his vision blurred and then he plunged back into the darkness.

When he awoke again he could feel the sound of the electrocardiogram. The tube in his mouth was no longer there. Turning his eyes he could see Changbin and Felix sleeping on a sofa; and his brother sitting in a chair.

He yawned and stared at his eyes.

There was a large curtain separating half the room, Jisung supposed there might be another stretcher on the other side. He could make out a familiar shadow behind the curtain, and after a while he could hear her voice. It was Minho, he was probably talking to someone on the phone.

Jisung sharpened his ear, because he still had that feeling that everyone spoke to him from a distance. But in the end he regreted and I wish I had not heard that part of the conversation.

- I still find it strange, at least, with the accounts of the time I did, it is to be noticed. No, so maybe I will not go to prison, maybe to a correctional facility and it will be less than the time it should be, is not it? Yes, but I do not believe him. I want a blood test, an ultrasound, and if I'm positive, I want the paternity test. Venus can not be pregnant, and if she is, I know she is not mine. Okay, thank you Al-

The shadow of Minho revealed to this same dangling the telephone and a little of the hair ruffling with the hand. He raised a hand to pull the curtain and in doing so, Jisung could appreciate it better.

Minho watched him and saw the crystalline eyes of his chestnut tree. I had heard it.

-Jisung ...-

- What is this? I ask, his voice cut off. Is this a game for you, Minho? -The first tear fell.

-No, let me explain it-

-There is nothing to explain -


- When were you going to tell me? Surely you already knew before the accident. Do you know who it was? Do you know who tried to kill me? Do you know who put me and your son here? Who put us like that? Who put us like that to you and me? -

-Jisung ...-

-Let me finish, Minho ...- sigh, the tears already fell down his cheeks at that moment-. It was Venus. It was Venus. Venus tried to kill me, Venus put me and your son here, Venus put me and your son like that. Venus put us like that to you and me. Venus was, Venus ruined everything. I ruin my life, I ruin my relationship, it endangered the life of MY son. I ruin you

Jisung turned to see the other side, saw his brother asleep in the chair and his friends in the armchair. He sighed and met Minho's eyes again and continued speaking:

-I do not like you. I do not love you anymore, Minho. I do not want to see you, I do not want you near me or my son. Disappears, disappears from my life, from my baby's, disappears from the face of the earth. I will raise my son alone, I do not need you. Get out of here-

-Jisung let me ...-

- I said leave! He shouted, making his brother and Felix wake up. While Changbin was still sleeping.

Minho closed his mouth, sighed and nodded slowly.

- What happens Jisung? -Chan asks sleepy. Felix saw everything from where he was.

"Nothing happens, I'll keep sleeping." Jisung settled down so that he had his back to Minho. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

The boy shook his head, put on a fake smile and addressed Chan:

-I'm leaving for today, tomorrow I have to be early in the court. Goodnight everyone-

He bowed his head and taking his jacket left the room.

Jisung went back to the bed, now he turned his back on his brother and his friends. He caught sight of how the door closed behind Minho's back and a tear ran down his cheek again. She hugged her pillow and cried silently until she fell asleep. In all the time, his little one did not bother him, he knew that Jisung was hurting, he did not want to bother him. The chestnut caressed his stomach at times, he also knew that his baby hurt his father.


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