Chapter 12

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                On the way home from Work one evening, Zandry stopped at a bookstore and bought a book full of old fairytales for no particular reason. Once at home, she went to the fridge and found a raw turnip (Another thing she couldn’t understand why people didn’t like) and started eating it like a apple as she opened the collection to a random chapter and started reading it.

Chapter 8

The Magic Mirror

                One day in the middle of winter, when the snowflakes fell from the sky like feathers, a queen sat at a window, sewing. Her sewing needle was of black ebony, and as she worked, and as the snow glittered she pricked her finger, and three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red spots looked so beautiful against the pure white the queen thought to herself: “Oh, if only I had a little child, I would like it to be as fair as snow, cheeks as rosy as the red blood, and with her hair and eyes as black as ebony.”

                Yeah, cause that’s the first thing I think of when I stick a needle in my hand, Zandry thought.

                Before she could read any more, she heard a sudden, frantic knock on the door. She crossed the hardwood floor and opened it, and a very emotional Grell fell into her arms screaming “Zandryyy!! It’s terrible!!”

                She dropped the Reaper on the floor. “Sutcliff?!”

                “Will won’t talk to me!! He’s been all cold and distant lately, and–“ (“And that’s unusual because?!”) “And… just now he kicked me out of the apartment; I don’t understand why!!” He started sobbing uncontrollably.

                “How the hell is that my problem?!”

                “Can you talk to him?”



                “No! Get out of my apartment!”

                “But Zandry!” Grell suddenly seemed to get a hold of himself and stood up, eyes boring into hers. “I have helped you before, have I not? Did I not save you from that filthy London butcher shop and bring you to a blessed life of adventure and hygiene? Did I not-“

                “OK, fine, fine! I’ll go talk to the bastard.”

                “Yay!” Grell kissed Zandry on the cheek and flung himself on her leather couch. “I’ll wait here, Zandry!”

                “Wha- Hey, get off my couch!”


                “Because you’re gross, and I’m not even sure if you’re housebroken! Just sit on the floor and be a good little boy until I get back.” Zandry turned on her heel and slammed the door behind her, only to open it after a few seconds.

                “Uh, where does he live?”

                20 minutes later, Zandry knocked quite irritably on the door of William Spear’s and Grell Sutcliff’s 2-bedroom apartment. It opened almost immediately.

                “Ms. Stapleton?” Will asked, surprised. She didn’t fail to notice he was holding his scythe in a way that implied he was expecting someone who was less than welcome.

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