•~*As It Began*~•

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Peggy's POV

"So where going all the way down to Florida?" Sandra questioned and I nodded.

"How long are you planning on us being away?" She chuckled.

"As long as we feel comfortable if you want us to turn back we can." I said focusing on the rode we made it out of the city to a big highway.

"No no I think I'll enjoy this." Sandra said with a smile.

"John gave me his mother's camera so we can take pictures of everything." I said after some silence filled the car.

"Ooh how nice." Sandra said.

I turned some music on but the kind that wasn't really known.

"What do you think we can go see first?"  She said kinda excited.

"I don't know I know one place though but it's a surprise." I said with a smile.

"A surprise? You planned this whole trip?" Sandra said looking at me.

"Well yeah I wasn't going to drive into the middle of no where." I said.

"Oh I'm so excited!" She said squeezing my arm.

"Think of all the new food we can try!" Sandra said.

"Where not going to different countries Sandra where just going to different states." I explained.

"Yeah well you never know." Sandra said.

Angelica's POV

"Well I mean is the food in the army edible..." I asked John church on the other side of the phone.

Me and him have been talking ever since I got home.

"Barely but I always get through it..." he said with a small laugh.

I laughed along with him.

Eliza popped her head in and looked at me in confusion I haven't laughed so happily in a long time over a conversation with a guy so it was very special to me.

"When you come back to Albany Angelica I really wish to see you again." He said.

I smiled. "Well I'll be delighted to see you again." I said.

"Well I have to get back but let's call tomorrow." He said

"Of course...be-careful." I said I've heard a lot about the army and it being scary.

"I will." He said in a kind whisper and I smiled.

"Bye John church." I said staring out the window.

"Good Bye Angelica Schuyler." He said and I literally couldn't wipe the smile off my face

"Was that Aaron." Eliza asked now standing in my door way.

I rolled my eyes.

"No. It was just a friend I met in Albany." I explained.

"He must be a really close friend I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time." Eliza said with a laugh.

I shrugged with a smile.

"Not really we literally just met." I said.

"What happened to Aaron...you guys where best friends and now..." Eliza didn't finish her sentence.

"I think where better away from each other...he has his own life I want my own life I deserve my own." I explained looking at the girl.

She nodded understanding.

"Anyways why are you here where is Maria?" I questioned.

"She's downstairs with Alex he said he needs to talk to us but your not picking up the phone." Eliza said

We went down stairs and Alex was sitting on the couch looking nervous he was figeting with his fingers.

"Oh no I think he figured out about the test scores." I whispered to Eliza and she nodded awkwardly.

"Hey Maria." I greeted and she waved.

"Um Alexander? Is there a reason you wanted to talk to us?" Eliza questioned looking at Alex as she took a seat on the other couch.

"It's about John." He said looking at us.

"Is he okay?" Maria said looking at Alex concerned.

"At this point he's being honest with me about this whole thing and how he's feeling and I try to make him feel better whenever he's down but this isn't about that this about me and John on a relationship level." Alex said.

"Okay..." I said listening.

"Listen I really love John and being his boyfriend is to little to me." He awkwardly explained

"Oh my god. ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT BREAKING UP WITH JOHN?" I yelled and Maria pulled out a knife and Eliza cracked her knuckle.

"You can't do that." I said sternly looking at him.

"What? No. I'm trying to say that I want to move things to the next level with him." Alex said kinda with a scared face.

"You want to marry him?" I asked and he nodded and me Maria and Eliza looked at each other and squealed.

"I can't believe this! Your going to propose to him?" Eliza asked and he nodded again.

"But I'm scared that he's not ready he's is going through a hard time so I'm not sure when I should propose." He said.

"As soon as possible!" Eliza said.

"Maybe we should take sometime to think about how Alex is going to propose to John." I said looking at Eliza.

"Right...I don't want anything cheesy I just want to get on one knee and ask him." Alex shrugged.

"Oh it has to be romantic." Maria said.

"She's right you can't just get down say 'Hey John we've been dating for sometime now wanna get married and live happily ever after.' Yeah that's just not going to work." I said and he had a soft chuckle.

"Do you want it to be a public proposal or just like a sweet private one?" Eliza asked.

"I think a private sweet one will be cool." He said.

"You guys should like buy dinner and then just propose at your dorm." I said.

"Ooh do chocolate straw berries." Maria said and Eliza nodded.

"Buy him a bouquet of flowers." Eliza said.

"A beautiful necklace." I said.

"Candles too!" Maria said.

"Um WHERE AM I GONNA FIND THE MONEY FOR THAT! After I buy the ring I'm gonna be broke as hell." Alex said.

"We will pay." I said quickly.

"Do you know which wring your getting?" I asked.

"I dreamed about getting him with this green one with some white crystals surrounding the green emerald." Alexander explained.

"Ooh pretty." Maria said.

"I don't know guys what if he's not ready..." he said freaking out again.

"He will be." I said.

"He has to..." Eliza said

A/N Okay let's talk I'm the dumbest bitch out here because I dropped my phone in the toilet while on a FaceTime call so chapters will be coming in extra slow thanks to my stupid self

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