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5 days till particle accelerator explosion

Barry's POV
It was raining outside and Barry has lost his badge

"damnit where the hell did I put it" Barry screams as he looks for his badge

"what's wrong why are you screaming"iris walks in says yawning

"I can't find my damn badge"Barry sighs as he looks under the bed and got back up

"it's literally on your neck Barry" iris says pointing as Barry looks In a mirror

"Oh"Barry says feeling embarrassed

"Ok Barry go before you get fired"iris says

"Wouldn't want that now by sis"

"Bye"iris yelled hitting him on the shoulder

At the police station
Everyone was talking while Barry walked in late again I might add when captain walked up to him

"Barry why are you late again this is the 3rd time this week" captain says

"Im sorry i couldn't find my badge this morning and I woke up late"Barry said sighing

"I don't care what happened you need to get here on time" captain yells as everyone's attention faced them

"I'm sorry captain I'll try not to be late" he looks down since everybody is staring

"Not try Barry don't be late" captain says as he walks off "get back to work" he tells the others

Barry walks up to the lab and closes the door he automatically starts working then he saw tv as it showed the Starr labs particle accelerator

"The particle accelerator is nearing completion while our team is working on the final adjustments we Will be happy to say the future begins in five days"wells says

"Well you heard it there folks our future will be here in a flash" the reporter says

Barry smiles as he starts to work again

"I haven't seen you that happy since you won the 5th grade science project" joe laughs as he walks up to Barry

"Hey joe" Barry says

"I heard about what happened with captain and brought you a coffee from jitters if that will help"joe says handing Oliver the cup

"Yes it will help thanks"Barry says automatically grabbing the coffee

"So how's Oliver in starling city"

"Good i hope because you know he is not open to anyone"Barry says then takes a sip of the coffee

"He seems a little open to you" joe says

"Wait what" Barry says

"It's pretty obvious he shared more stuff with you and trusts you more than anyone in that place"joe says

"Well how do you know"

"I'm a detective Barry"joe says showing him his badge


"Okay i brought stuff from belly burger if you want some"Barry says but no answer

"Iris"he calls out

"Yeah sorry I was in the restroom"as she runs over

"Ok then here is your burger"Barry says as he hands it to iris then there was a nock st the door

"Barry walks up to it and looks through the whole to see Oliver his Bestfriend 😉and opens the door

"Hey Barry"Oliver says

"Oh my god Why didn't you let me know you we're going to stop buy I could have gotten you big belly burger"

"Oh no it's fine I already ate"Oliver said

"Ok cool want to come in"Barry said gesturing inside his house


                           Oliver's POV
         He was about to tell Barry how he                         Feels about him

"Barry I have something to tell you" Oliver said then caught a glimpse of iris searching through the bag for fries "are y'all still"

Barry cuts him off "well we still live together but we are not and will never be together it's a little weird for foster kids to date"

"Oh" Oliver says relieved

"What is it" Barry asked in the nicest way possible

"Can we talk outside"Oliver said

"Yeah sure"

"Ok"Oliver said with a sigh

"What's wrong is everyone ok"Barry said in confusion

"Yeah no everyone's fine it's just"Oliver said stumbling

"You are studdering are you ok"

"Barry I have......I I......"

"Oliver you sure everything is ok"Barry says

"Nah never mind" he says with a sigh instead of telling him how he feels

"Come on Olli" Barry asked

"Fine me and felicity broke up"Oliver said looking down

"Oh god Ollie I'm sorry"Barry says hugging Oliver

"It still stings" Oliver replies

Iris walks out "are y'all ok I was was listening in and I'm so sorry Oliver"iris says

"Oh it's ok I'm just going to go now" Oliver says looking down and walks off then he felt a hand grab him

"You don't have to go you can chill here for a little bit"Barry says while Oliver blushed a little

"Yeah sure ok"Oliver agreed and they all go into the apartment and talked for a little while

Hi guys it's mee I hope you enjoyed i know I will be posting every other day so I have time to write (ps I mean like if I wrote one day i will take a day to get the story basically written then finish it up the next day and post it) thanks for your support and leave a comment on how I did

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