Chapter 2

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3 days till particle accelerator explosion

Iris POV

Iris had woken up early to see Oliver up in the kitchen making breakfast

"Well good morning Oliver" iris said grabbing stuff for coffee

"Good morning you like waffles right" Oliver said

"Yes and it's Barry's favorite breakfast he's going to be so happy" iris says

"Yeah that's why I made it he's been a little stressed lately but he's happy about that particular thing" Oliver laughs

"It's called the particle accelerator and yes i am very happy about the waffles" Barry said coming out of his room

"About time you woke up from your slumber sleeping beauty" Oliver teases that made Barry blush a little

"Oh my god get a room you two" iris said sarcastically but she realized both of them blushing like red red blushing like looking like a crayon blushing (I'm sorry) "hmm I wonder if they still hate me for literally making it look like they made out last night" iris thought "but there Bestfriends so they should have shook it off by now unless...nah Oliver can't be gay I get Barry but Oliver" she thought but the sound of the coffee ding knocked her out of her trance

"Breakfast is served" Oliver said flipping waffles onto 3 plates

Barry and iris have the day off and Oliver is Yeah

"So what do y'all want to do today" iris said

"Movie day we can get popcorn and chips" Barry suggested

"What do you think Oliver what should we do today" iris said eating the waffles

"I think movie day sounds good"Oliver said

"Yes" Barry said "Oliver want to come with me to get snacks and let iris get the blankets and stuff"

"Yeah sure"Oliver says

Barry's POV

After that eat Barry quickly changed into some jeans and him and Oliver loaded up

"What should we get" Barry said

"Popcorn of course and maybe hot chips" Oliver said

"That does sound good" Barry said pulling up in the store

When they get the stuff they need from the store they pay and head back to the parking lot

"How's felicity and dig" Barry asked

"They are good" Oliver said

"I have something to tell you" Barry says "oh god I'm about to tell him I'm gay and I'm scared ok" he thinks to himself

"What's wrong"Oliver said

"I' .. gay" Barry stuttered

"I knew it" Oliver said with a chuckle

"Wow you don't care at all" Barry said letting out a sigh of relief

"And you want to know something Barry" Oliver said as they got up to the car

"What" Barry says

"I'm bisexual" Oliver said as him and Barry got In the car

"Wait you are" Barry said "you seemed like a straight guy because of all the girls you slept with in high school" Barry laughed

"Well then I did get stuck on an Island for 5 years so that was great" Oliver said

"Yeah how come you never tell me about that I'm your best friend I won't judge" Barry said as he pulled out of the parking lot

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