Chapter 1

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4 days till particle accelerator explosion

Oliver's POV
Oliver was staying at Barry's place for a couple of days he had woken up a little early and got a call from felicity

"Hey what's up"

"Are you back yet" felicity

"Oh no Im staying with Barry and his family for a couple of days"

"Well you have fun but dig isn't liking having to be green arrow so I suggest you only stay for a couple more days" felicity says

"Ok deal 4 more days and I'm back"

"Deal.....dig agrees too"

Barry's POV

He wakes up early for once and realized the time and got up for once he thought I won't be late he started playing music he started dancing while getting ready

"As he came into the window it was a sound of a crescendo"he sang "he came into he apartment and left the blood stains on the carpet she ran underneath the table he could see she was unable so she ran into the bedroom she was struck down it was her doom"
"Annie are you ok .....annie are you ok.... are you ok Annie" as he started singing Oliver had heard him and got up

"You've been hit by.... you've been struck by ...... a smooth criminal" Barry sings

"Hey Barry" Oliver says laughing

"Ahh....Oliver um" Barry says trying to warn Oliver not to come in but it's too late "Ahh Oliver get out" he says trying to grab his shirt and something to cover him when Oliver automatically slammed the door

"Oh god Barry I'm sorry" he says with the door closed and his face really red

"It's ok" Barry opens the door with a shirt on and pants then walks out

"Everything ok" iris says walking out of her room

"Yeah everything is fine why do you ask" Barry says

"You mean y'all don't think I just heard what happened do y'all"iris said with a laugh

"I have to go to work before im late again so lunch later"Barry says

"Yeah sure" Oliver said still with a little red on his face

"Oh got he just saw me basically naked" he thinks to himself "not a great start"

Oliver's POV

"I feel like such a pervert"he thinks to himself "though it wasn't all bad"


Oliver calls Barry

"Hey Bare are you going to come to lunch"

"Oh yeah sorry it just slipped my mind....want to go to big belly burger" Barry said over the phone

"Yeah sure...and about earlier I'm really...." he gets cut off by Barry

"Let's not talk about it but I forgive you it was an accident" Barry says "see you at lunch"

"Ok" he hangs up

At big belly burger

"Hey olli.....Oliver I mean" Barry says

"Hey Barry" Oliver says

They sit at a table

"So how's life as the green arrow going" he whispers so no one would hear them

"Really stressful but it's great"Oliver says with a smile

"What would y'all like today" the waiter says

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