Chapter 9

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Oliver had woken up next to Barry who was still sleeping when he got a flashback from when he was on the island

When he snapped out of it he had gasped and shot up waking Barry

"Olli are you ok" Barry says sitting up with him

"Yeah just had a nightmare" Oliver says

"Do you want to talk about it" barry says

"No but i do want to talk about last night" Oliver says pinning Barry to the bed again

"Come on Olli what's wrong" Barry says as Oliver starts to kiss his neck

"I'm okay Bare honestly"Oliver says

"Okay but if you have another night mare and don't tell me no kisses until you do" Barry laughs rubbing Oliver's back

"I love you Barry Allen What did I do to deserve you" Oliver said

"I love you too" Barry says

As they were going to lay back down and sleep in because it's the weekend Oliver's phone buzzed

"Ugh all I want to do is sleep next to the love of my life just let me to that one thing" Oliver thinks as he picks up the phone

"Hey Thea what's up" Oliver says

"You are coming to moms speech thing right" thea says

"Yeah and I'm going to bring Barry" Oliver says

"Oh your bringing a plus one" Thea teases

"What time is it again" Oliver asks

"7 don't be late" Thea says then hangs up

"Where are you taking me" Barry says

"My mom is having a speech tonight and she asked if I was going to go and I'm bringing you as my plus one" Oliver says.

"I'm honored but I have to run by central to get my nicer clothes". Barry said

"I can always buy them for you" liver said

"No it's okay why buy something I already have I'll run by to get it later but right now is our time" Barry says winking

They cuddle close together in Oliver's room and watch movies and eat popcorn when Barry's phone rang

"Yeah cap what's up" Barry says

"Barry we need you down here now apparently there's a blue streak around central and it not being a hero" captain says

"Ok I'll be there soon" Barry says then hangs up

"What happened" Oliver asked

"Apparently there a blue streak around central cap said he needed me to look at some cases so I'll se you later" Barry says then runs off

In central city

"Hey Cisco" Barry says over the coms

"Yeah Barry im guessing you saw the blue streak" Cisco says over the com

"Well I heard about it I'm going to head to ccpd to get the files about it then I'll come over there" Barry says

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