Chapter 4

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Thanks for those who got me on this list I honestly didn't think I would make it on one but I made it on two 😊😊Anyway continuing

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Thanks for those who got me on this list I honestly didn't think I would make it on one but I made it on two 😊😊
Anyway continuing

Particle accelerator explosion

Oliver had woken up and realized the time it was 11:34 when he woke up and went to go wake the others

"Barry" Oliver screams them shakes him causing Barry to fall of the bed from jumping back

"Oww" Barry said when he got back up

"Guess What today is" Oliver said turning on the tv

"Particle accelerator goes on today omg I totally forgot" Barry says as he ran around the bed to go wake iris

"Iris guess what today is" Barry says as shakes iris

"Particle accelerator goes online"iris says popping up

"Yes and that means we need to start getting ready" Oliver said

"Wait really what time is it" Barry said

"11:45 now but I'm taking y'all shopping" Oliver said

"Yes shopping time" iris said

"Oliver you don't have to" Barry said

"What i can't spoil my boy...Bestfriend" Oliver said even tho he almost said boyfriend

"Well I feel bad" Barry said

"Barry it's okay get what you want besides I have al the money in the world" Oliver said

As they finished getting ready they went to the mall they walked around went to foot locker,camps,and a bunch of other stores

"I feel spoiled" Barry said

They went into a store to see what they had and saw a kid Looking at Harry Potter stuff and she had two jackets in her hand

"Must be nice for parents to get her stuff like that" he thought but then the kid went to the counter and pulled out her wallet

"You finally have the money to get that stuff" the guy said scanning it

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