Chapter 12

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"That's Not how I remember it" Slade said

"How did you find us" Oliver said drawing a bow

"You should really be careful on who you trust" Slade says pointing at Amie as everyone stares she looked so shocked and confused and reached in her pocket to find a tracker

"Oh god"Amie says "how many times do I have to screw up"

Oliver releases the arrow In an attempt to hit Slade but he ended up catching it

"If a lightning bolt can't stop me what make you think an arrow can" Slade says breaking it in half

"Run" Oliver says as Amie and Barry get everyone out him and Slade start to battle

Oliver moves in and kicks Slade pushing him through the glass then Slade had kicked Oliver's shin knocking him down and punched him Oliver had gotten up to get knocked down again and brought to his knees then he was raised in the air by his throat

"The marakuru isn't what made me hate you" Slade says "Maybe I'll be merciful just to let you see your city and everyone you love burn I have an army of people like me" Slade screams then knocked Oliver out when he woke up Barry was next to him and Amie was sitting in the chair blasting music in her ear trying to calm down

"Barr" Oliver says waking up

"Olli...are you ok"Barry says cleaning the remainder of blood of his face

"Yeah..wheres Slade"Oliver says getting

"Woah Ollie lay down you need to rest"Barry says trying to push him back down

"No Barry we need to stop him"Oliver said then saw Amie looking down looking like she's about to cry "what's wrong with her"

"Slade killed her friends seeing his face again hurts her" Barry said then Amie looked up to see them staring at her and she just bursts into tears

"Amie" barry says

"No...Don't" Amie says and walks out

"You need to talk to someone before you break yourself apart" Oliver said

"I'm already broken Oliver...and I always will be" Amie said speeding out

"It's ok she'll come around" Barry said trying to lay Oliver back down on the table

"No barry slade has an army heading towards starling we need to stop them" Oliver says

"Not like this Oliver" Barry says kissing his head then Oliver moves in on his lips Oliver then grabs Barry with him on the table and moves on top of him and after a few minutes of kissing Oliver moves down to his neck and starts to grind on Barry then he tears Barry's shirt off and kisses his chest and then he took it off

"I don't want to lose you" barry said after they took a break from kissing

"You won't" Oliver says then goes back to kissing Barry

Slades pov

"Are y'all ready" slade says to a group of marakuru people

They scream and stomp

"Let's show this city what we are" slade says

Felicity's pov

I had went back down to the arrow cave to see if everyone was ok when I saw something I didn't want to see and screamed

"Felicity" Barry says I'm an attempt to cover himself

"Oh god why on the table" felicity says looking away

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