CHAPTER 1: First day for Mr way

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So I am now starting to edit these chapters. I did start a story that was the re-write of this but I then decided to just do it on this story. So, enjoy and I hope there are less mistakes :)

Also a warning to the people who have already read this- you may want to read this again because I will be changing some things and some names. The comments might not make sense after this.

Once I have finished with editing this sorry I will start on the sequel again. I deleted the last one because I didn't like where it was going and I had no ideas on what to do.



Gerard's POV

My alarm went off with its annoying continuous beeping, it reminded me of a fog horn. I groaned and sat up, finally shutting the alarm off.

I got out of bed and got changed in my black skinny jeans, black chucks, black button down shirt and red tie. What? They are my favourite colours! I looked in the mirror and applied eyeliner, then made an attempt to tame my long black hair. I might change the colour soon, black is starting to bore me slightly.

I exited my room and made my way to my brother's one which was right across the hall from me. He wasn't awake of course, typical. I swear that kid was one of the heaviest sleepers I have ever known and can fall asleep absolutely anywhere. He even fell asleep standing up once!

I entered his room to find him spread eagle on his messed up bed, snoring and even drooling slightly out of the corner of his mouth. Gross, my brother's a pig! I shook his shoulder making him almost fall from his bed, he jerked awake with a snort.

Gee! You scared the living shit outa me!" (A/N There will be some song reference's I never noticed before just an FYI) He groaned and wiped the drool from his mouth making me wrinkle my nose.

"Sorry Mikey but it's the first day at your new school and my first day teaching so we can't afford to be late. You have half an hour to get ready or I'm leaving without you" I said before shrugging and then leaving his room, ignoring the glare he was shooting the back of my head.

I fixed myself a cup of coffee for myself and Mikey before, as if on cue, he walked in dressed with his hair straightened and his thick glasses sliding down his nose.

That kid needs contacts, seriously.

"Here. We need to hurry" I said as I handed him his coffee in his favourite unicorn mug. He smiled at me in thanks before downing his coffee in only a few gulps. I rolled my eyes and did the same before I grabbed my bag and headed to the door. He grabbed his aswell and followed me as I exited out the house and then we headed to my car.

The car was filled with silence as we made our way to the school.

"So are you nervous?" Mikey asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I guess I am a bit nervous. More excited than anything, I mean I'm teaching English which I love. Are you nervous? Starting a new school at 17 must be unnerving" I said and Mikey nodded slightly before answering.

"Y-yeah I guess. I just don't want to get bullied like the last school I went to" He said quietly.

"Well If anything happens you text me. I'll help you out as much as I can, even if I'm in the middle of a class. I swear if anyone hurts you I-" I started to rant but Mikey cut me off.

"I'll be fine Gee, just... I'll text you okay?" He reassured me as he pushed his glasses further up his nose. I sighed and nodded my head knowing he probably wouldn't.

Finally I pulled up at the school and parked. We got out and both said a quick goodbye followed by a hug before walking our separate ways.

Kids were already looking at me curiously or just in pure distaste.

This is gunna be a long day...

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