Chapter 2 : The Rich Man

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Kyeol's POV


"Yah! Park Kyeol shin! Can you please low down your voice?" -Mom

"Oh, mianhae eomma." I did a Peace sign. (Mianhae = Sorry) (Eomma = Mom)

"But how did this happen Mom?" I asked

"Because your Samcheon is working at the Sment, and he wants you to be an idol in there company." Mom Explanation (Samcheon = Uncle) "Is it your dream to be an idol darling?" Mom asked.

"Ne eomma. I always dream to be an idol but I am worried because you will be alone here in the house." I said sincerely. (Ne = Yeah)

"Aww, sweetie. It's okay for me, you don't have to company me. I can take care myself aigoo! My age is just 32 for pete's sake." Mom Exlaimed. (Aigoo = Usually used to express surprise)

"Are you sure eomma?" –Me

"Yes darling. I am sure, besides your dad will come home next month so don't worry." Mother said.

"Arraso arraso." And then I hug her tightly.

"When is the audition mom?" I asked

"Next week." She answered. Oh why so suddenly?

After the long chitchat about the audition, I telled mom that I'm going to the ice cream store. I'm craving for ice cream.

When I entered the entrance I headed towards the counter to pick a flavor for my ice cream.

OMO! So many flavors. It look so yummy! I wanna pick double dutch flavor because it's my favorite.

"Miss, can you please get me a one double dutch ice cream?" –Me

"Okay ma'am, that will be [Price]." She said.

"Oh okay." And then I reached for my bag to get my wallet.

Wait, where is my wallet?

Aiiissshh, don't say that I forgot to bring my wallet? Did'nt i?

"Umm ma'am, your cash?" she asked me.

"Just a second hehe." –Me

Where the earth is my wallet? T.T

"Here." A man came up to the counter actually his beside me, holding a black card. WAIT. BLACK CARD? HE'S RICH!

"Ahjussi, what are you doing?" I questioned the man wearing black mask, black jacket, and sweat pants like me. (Ahjussi = Sir)

"Paying for your Ice cream." He said.

"You don't have to do that Sir." I said

"Don't worry, it's just a cheap ice cream. Next time, if we see each other again I will buy you baskin robins. Jalgayo." He said to me and wave like a kid and left. (Jalgayo = Goodbye)

Okay, what just freaking happened?

Darn it, it's getting late. I should head back to the house, or my mom would worry.

I ate my Ice cream while going home and then I came back to the house and saw my mom cooking for dinner.

My dog run to me and I immediately bend down to pet him.

I suddenly Got up to tell mom I will go upstairs.

"Mom, I will go upstairs okay? Knock on the door if the dinner is ready." I yell so she can hear it.

"Okay darling, go take a shower okay?" –Mom


I came back to my room and I jump in my Bed.

"What a lovely day." Then i suddenly remember the richman who pay for my Ice cream.

"I wonder, who is that man?" I said to myself.

End of Chapter 2

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