Chapter 9 : Ice cream w/ EXO

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Kyeol's POV

I'm on my my way to the lobby to meet with the EXO members. 

And I wear just my comfy usual clothes. Jeans, White oversize t-shirt with a puppy printed on it, and a black high converse.

Suho texted me that he's with Xiumin, Chen, Kai, and sehun. He said that the others can't come because they will have a broadcasting today. 

I walked out the elevator and text suho that I am in the lobby already. 

From: Richysuhooo

Okay, were on our way. :)))))

I waited like 10 minutes and I heard a horn coming from the white van outside. 

I got up and peek at the window and suddenly the window slides down revealing suho's face.

"Hop in." Suho smiled. I nod.

I hopped into the van, seeing the members. "Annyeong sarang-ssi!" Chen hapilly said. 

"oh annyeonghaseyo." I slightly bow to the members. "Oh suho, I thought your dorm is in the SM building?" I questioned.

"Nah, we have our own big dorm. But is not in the Ent." Suho said. "And what did you just called me? Suho?" Suho said laughing.

"Yeah, I'm much older than you." I innocently said.

"What is your age?"


"Oh okay 25....WAIT! 25? SERIOUSLY?!" They said in surprise.

"Ahh wae?" I asked.

"Nothing I just want to be an older brother to you tho.." Suho pouts.

"It's okay, you can still be my older brother." I said smiling.

"Really? So your calling me oppa?" 

"No -,-." I said. Suho pouts again.

"Um, can we go now suho-ssi?" Xiumin suddenly said.

"Ne hyung." Suho said, smirking at xiumin. Huh? Nevermind.

*Time skips*

Finally, were at baskin robins! But we did'nt get off the van yet.

"Noona, do you have a mask and a cap?" Sehun said to me.

"Ne sehun-ssi." I get my bucket hat and black mask from my small bag.

"Are you all disguise surely?" Suho said.

"Ne." We all said.

"Arraso, Kaja!." And then we get off the van and headed our way towards the entrance.

When we get in, and there's a group of 6 girls and they look at us.

"Hmmmm, they look so familliar." Girl 1

Oh please, hope we don't get caught.

"Yeah I know right. They all wearing a masks." Girl 3

"They look so handsome. I think they're celebrities, don't you think girls?" Girl 6 and they all nodded.

"But who is that girl?" Girl 5

"OMG, He's surrounded by the boys. She is a slut." Girl 3

"Yah! They might hear us. Keep quiet." Girl 2

What did I just heard? I'm a slut? Aish, they're so jugdemental!

"People nowadays." I heard xiumin talk behind me.

We sat at the vacant seats near at the girls and suho was the one who will order and It's free but just for EXO they are the ones who sponsor it.

"What do you guys want?" Suho asked.

"Just chocolate." I simply said.

"How bout you guys?"

"Same as her." Xiumin said looking at his phone.

"I want the Banana nut fudge." -Kai

"Rainbow swirl." Sehun said

"Uhh, the Mango Tango." Chen smiled.

"Arraso, just wait. Oh kai, help me." Then they get at the front of the counter.

Then we patiently wait and have chitchat. 

"Here's your ice cream!" Suho said.

"DAEBAK! That looks delicious!" I excitedly said. Suho hands us our ice cream one by one

As I licked, a smile appeared on my face.

"This is freakin delicious!" I said.

"Hehe, glad you like it. Is it your first time?" Kai asked.

"Second time actually." Then he nod.

After we eat ice cream, sehun wants to go to the han river so we did.

We rent bicycles and take a stroll.

This place is so beautiful as always.
I always love here and the fresh air here is nice.

It's 6 so we still have 2 hours. Kai suggested a chicken place so we go there.

Kai was excited as he entered the chicken place.

"Is he always like that?" I ask chen.

"Yeah coz chicken is his favortie noona." He laugh.

Aww, kai looks like a child.

We ordered many chicken and they have available flavors so I ordered Hot and sweet chicken wings.

We got to our seats and I slightly move down my mask so I could eat. They did it to.

"Are you sure you can eat that? That will be so spicy" Suho asked.

"Ne hyung, I like spicy foods. Especially the spiciest ones." I said.

And then we began to eat. After we finished eat, suho drive for me to the Sment.

"Thank you for this day guys." I said.

"Your welcome noona. Next time, let's do this again." Sehun said to me.

"Sure!" I said, smiling. "Gotta go now, bye guys." I waved at them and get off the van.

"Byeee!" They all said.

And then they drove off as I was still waving.

"Where have you been?" Mina unni popped out behind.

"God unnie ahhh! Don't do that." I said surprised. "And I mentioned it to you this morning that I will go out with the EXO members right?"

"Hehe sorry, it's getting late. We have to go back. I'm sleeping at your dorm tonight, i'm all alone at my own." She said.

"Ne unnie." Then we go back to my dorm.

End Of Chapter 9

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