Chapter 4 : A Trainee at SM ENTERTAINMENT

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Kyeol's POV

I woke up because of the sun rays touching my face.

Then I roll to the other side and see a tray with breakfast on it and a sticky note.

"Wow! This is a lot of food." And I mean A LOT.

I took of the sticky note to read what is written on it.

Goodmorning darling. Sorry if I have to go so early for the work, but don't worry. I'll be there at 7 PM. BTW youhave to eat this a drink milk arraso? Oh and also, check your email. I've seen something. I love you Darling <3 -Mom

I quickly got my phone on the bed and there's a notification that shows that i have received 1 message in Email.

I open it and read.

Good Day to you Park Kyeol Shin! You are now a trainee at SM entertainment. You have the average of 108.98 for being a trainee. You have to come in the Ent. In Saturday. So start Packing and be ready to your next journey. I'll see you there!

-Lee Soo Man


What did I just Read?

THIS IS REALLY REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pinch myself and it hurts.


Then suddenly my phone rang... It was Mom

I answered it with a joy.

"Congratualations Darling!"

"Thank you Mom! I can't believe I passed!" I screamed.

"Let's celebrate this tonight darling, Got to go. My officemates are calling me. Bye, Love you darling." Mom said.

"Love you too mom." Then she ended the call.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I PASSED!" I jumping on my bed.

"Ok, ok, ok. Calm down sarang." I said to myself.

I have to start packing because I'm leaving in three days.

I will miss this home. *sighs*

*After packing for 1 hour and cleaning*

There! It's all Packed.

4 luggages and 3 boxes

Wooooooooooo! I'm hungry!

I took out a lasagna in the fridge and I put it on the microwaved oven.

Once the microwave oven alarms, I took it out and headed to the living room. I turn on the TV and watch movies.

*after 2 hours.*

"I still can't believe it." I smiled like an idiot.

*Time Skip*

"I'm home darling~" Mom sang while taking off her shoes.

"EOMMA~" I sang too.

"I have foods in this paperbag. Let's celebrate." –Mom

"Ne. Oh Mom, let's videocall dad." I said

"Arraso darling, you should prepare the food and i'll wash myself first. I'm sweaty." She laughed.

"Ne~." I said. I preparing the food in the table and it's so many! It smells delicious.

When mom came, we sit in our chairs and mom took out her phone from her pocket and video calls dad.

"Hello honey and sweetie." Dad said in the other line.

"Hi dad. It's great your eating with us." I said. Tears from my eye are starting to form.

"Aww, sweetie hajima. Arraso?" Dad said. (Hajima = Stop)

"Arraso Appa." I said (Appa = Dad)

"We miss you so much honey." Mom said to dad.

"I miss my Queen and Princess." Dad said.

"Enough for the drama." They laughed. "Dad, do you have any idea why we are celebrating?"

"We are?" I nod.

"Oh, I have no idea sweetie. What is it?" Dad said confusingly.

"Appa, do you know Soo Man samcheon right?" I asked.

"Of course sweetie, he is my bestfriend." He laughed.

"I can't believe it because last week, my mom and I chitchat about the audition in Sment that soo man samcheon works. He invited me to go to the audition and surprisingly, I passed. I am a trainee now dad!" I explained to dad with matching actions. He laughed at me.

"Very good sweetie! I'm so proud of you. You did your best." –Dad "What date are you going in Sment sweetie?" He questioned.

"Saturday dad." I said with a sad face.

"Darling, I told you, there's nothing to be sad about leaving this home. Your going to visit here right? Thus, your dad is coming home here next month." She smiled at dad and dad is giving me a nod.

"Thank you eomma and appa, for supporting me. I love you guys!" I said to them

After that we continue eating and chitchat eachother.

We ended the call and I washed the dishes.

I said goodnight to my mom and run upstairs. I take a nice warm bath and wear Pjs. I jump in my bed and surf on the web.

"Unforgettable day ever!" I said to myself

End of Chapter 4 

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