Chapter 5 : My Own Dorm

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Kyeol's POV

It's Saturday now and I'm in front of our house with my mom waiting for the van. Aish, It's making me cry.

"Darling, do your best arraso? If your an idol already, I will go to your concerts and shows. Get me a VIP seat okay?" Mom said with a teary eye.

"Ne eomma, I will miss you so much." I hug her tightly.

"Oh, the van is arriving." Mom said releasing our hug and wipe her tears.

The Van's sliding door slowly open revealing a woman wearing mask.

"Annyeonghaseyo, jeo-neun Mina-imnida. Soon to be your manager Miss Sarang.The guards will put your things in the trunk so don't worry." The wom—I mean Mina said. Her eyes are cute.(Annyeonghaseyo = Hello) (Jeo-neun = I am)

"Take care there darling, and visit me okay? I love you." Mom said to me and kissed my forehead.

"You too mom, I love you too." I kissed her cheeks.

We bade goodbye to each other and I got on the van. Even though I'm inside the van, I continue to wave.

I will miss you Mom.

*After 1 Hour.*

Finally we arrive and......


So this is SM entertainment?


"Miss Sarang, Mr. Lee Soo Man said that we have to go to his office." Manager Mina said.

"Arraso Manager-nim. And no need to be formal, you can call me Sarang." I smiled.

"Arraso Sarang-ssi." She smiled behind her mask. "Let's go inside." I nod.

Were in the front door of Soo man samcheon's Office and I'm kinda nervous.

"You okay Sarang-ssi?" Manager mina said.

"I'm okay. But kinda feel nervous." I said.

"Don't worry Sarang-ssi, you'll be fine." Manager Mina said to me.



Here we go.

Manager-nim opened the door and I saw Soo man samcheon sitting in a chair.

"Ahh. Your here now dear. Welcome to SM entertainment. Have a seat." Samcheon said. (A/N: Samcheon is uncle. Incase you Forgot. :P)

"Good Morning samcheon. It's nice to be here at Sment." I smiled.

"Aigoo, the way you talking to me is so formal. Haha" Samcheon said and I laughed

And then after that, he explains everything. My schedule, dorm, my trainer, etc.

Then I said goodbye to samcheon so me and Manager-nim can go to my dorm.

I opened the door of my dorm and I was in awe.

My dormis color blue!

"Your samcheon ready this dorm for you." Manager-nim said. "I did'nt know that Mr. Lee Soo Man is your uncle." She said to me.

"My dad and uncle is been a bestfriends for a long time." I said to her.

"Manager-nim, can I call you Mina-unni?" I asked her. (Unni = Sister [This is for girls saying for Older girls.])

"Of course. Oh, you can start your training on Monday so you can have two days to relax and get ready." Mina-unni said. "Your luggages is in the living room. You can unpack your things now. I'll get some food." The she left.

I did'nt notice that my things is in the living room.

OMO. This place is beautiful!

Before unpacking, I tour myself to my dorm. And then I start unpacking My things.

*After 1 hour and 20 minutes*

Done! Wooooooooh. That was tiring.

Then suddenly someone ring the doorbell and I opened it to see Mina-unni holding some foods.

"Oh I forgot, you have passcode on your door. Hahaha. My bad, well your passcode is 998812." Mina-unni laughed at her mistake.

"Hahaha, arraso mina-unni."I said.

End of Chapter 5

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