Chapter 6 : Rich Man is an Idol?!

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Kyeol's POV

It is Sunday and tomorrow is the beggining of my training.

I am in the living room watching TV and I feel bored.

Because of my extreme boredom I texted mina-unni that I will look around the building. Ofcourse, she did not let me go outside the building.

I am wearing black sweater, jeans, and black nike shoes.

I got out of my dorm, I look around the building. Ahh.. It's so beautiful.

When suddenly, my feet drag me to a dance practice room.

And I see....

E X O ! ! !

"OMO! They're so good at dancing, daebak!" I whisper to myself.

And then after they finish, it's time for their break.

Surprisingly, suho notice me at the door. I was peeking actually.

Jinjja?! Suho sunbaenim notice me?

"Uhm, how did you get ---." He stop for a moment after he walks closer to me and recognizing me.

"You..." Suho pointed at me. "You are the ice cream lady."

"Ah? Huh?" and then I suddenly remembered the richman at the ice cream store.


Where the earth is my wallet? T.T

"Here." A man came up to the counter actually his beside me, holding a black card. WAIT. BLACK CARD? HE'S RICH!

"Ahjussi, what are you doing?" I questioned the man wearing black mask, black jacket, and sweat pants like me. (Ahjussi = Sir)

"Paying for your Ice cream." He said.

"You don't have to do that Sir." I said

"Don't worry, it's just a cheap ice cream. Next time, if we see each other again I will buy you

baskin robins. Jalgayo." He said to me and wave like a kid and left.

*End of the flashback*

"So you are the Richman who payed my ice cream?" He nods.

"Jinjja? Daebak. What a coincidence suho sunbaenim." I said.

"Haha, no need to be formal. You can call me suho oppa."

"Uhm, I prefer calling you hyung." I said.

"Your not a boy though." He laughed.

"It's uncomfortable for me, I'm not use to it." –Me

"Arraso, why are you here by the way?" He asked.

"I'm a trainee here." He was shocked.

"Daebak, do you mind if you meet the boys?" He questioned.

"Sure, I would'nt mind." I smiled.

"I forgot to ask, what is your name?" –Suho hyung

"Park Kyeol Shin, you can call me."

"Love is the meaning of sarang in english right?" I nod.

"Pretty name." I blushed at what he said.

We enter the practice room and the members were confuse looking at me but sehun was like a child jumping around and ran after me.

"I did'nt know you have a girlfriend hyung." Chanyeol teasingly said to suho hyung.

"YAH CHANYEOL-AH! SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND." Then chanyeol ran around the rehearsal room while suho hyung chase him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Park Kyeol shin-imnida. You can call me sarang." I smiled to them.

I notice that xiumin sunbaenim was staring at me. I look at him and he look away and blushed.

Did he just blushed? OMO.

He is my bias FYI. Okay?

"Is it sarang called love in english?" D.o said. I look at his face.

"Penguin." I accidentally said. Oh no....

"Bwo?" Kyungsoo sunbaenim said.

"Ahhh.. Nothing."

"Well It's nice meeting you all sunbaenims. I have to go, I think my manager is worrying about me. Bye-Bye." I waved at them and left.

Suho's POV

"Aish, chanyeol." I whisper to chanyeol who was sitting beside me, panting from running and so am I.

"Sarang unni has a chinese accent?! Daebak." Sehun exclaimed.

"Did Sarang already left?" I asked them.

"Ne hyung." They said.

AHHHH! CHANYEOL! It's all your fault.

Xiumin hyung sit beside me and asked a question.

"Is she a trainee here?" Xiumin

"Ne, why are you curious about it?" Me

"Oh nothing." Hmm.. I smell something suspicios.

"Do you have a crush on her hyung?" I smirked.

"NO! No way!" Then he left.

"Admit it hyung! You have a crush on her." I shouted. So he can hear it..

I'm hungry!!!!!!!

End of Chapter 6

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