Chapter 1: A New Year

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Jungkook POV:
I woke up to banging on my door and groaned as I started to wake up. Then when my mind finally woke up from my peaceful dream land I finally realised where I was again and shot up like a bullet towards the door to open it. The banging got louder until I stood at the door and gained enough courage to open it. I was met face to face with the person who runs this place where I had been for years. He was a tall and buff man about in his mid 30's but no one knew for sure. He stared at me, straight in the eyes and to be honest he was very intimidating. He looked at me like he was trying to burn a hole through my skull and hissed out "took your time uh, never make me wait any longer then I have to you brat". Then he whispered out something that sounded like "man kids these days are so useless" then continued on. "Get up and get ready you got school and also wake the others up, I don't particularly want to see their faces right now so you have to do it". I quickly nodded and he turned and left and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "This was going to be a long day" I thought to myself.

I went and sat back down on my old bed. To be honest in this place we kind of raised ourselves because out care taker was never really around unless it was in the morning to wake us up or at night to tell us stop pissing him off and go to bed. I was miserable here but it wasn't that bad at least he didn't hit us or anything so other than him we sort of lived in peace. I looked at the bed next to me and saw the blankets on top of the bed moving and a person hiding under it. Then a head popped out. I waved as to say good morning. The boy got out of the bed and sat on the edge also, just like me. "Morning jungkook" cherry said. Jungkook smiled at the thought of how cherry got his nickname. He tried to dye his hair once and got the wrong colour without even knowing and when everyone saw it, it was a cherry red. Then when cherry first saw it he wasn't to fussed cuz it sort of suited him. I guess the name sort of stuck after that.

I went to get up to wake the others but Cherry stood up and stopped me. "It's okay jungkook I will wake then up, you just get ready for school I will be right behind you okay". Cherry did just that and woke all the others in the room with them. It was 3 other boys. We don't really talk to them much because cherry and I usually stuck together instead of  broadening our social Horizons. In the orphanage you only really want one friend you can really count on because that's all you need. 5 minutes later while I was getting ready cherry turned to me and said " hey isn't it your first day at your new school" I just nodded and he responded with "sorry I'm not at the same school as you, I don't understand why the care giver had to separate us like that, well you can't really call him a care giver anyway but I know you will do well today kookie and smiled lightly". I signed to him "thanks and I know you will have another good year at your school too". Cherry looked at me analysing my hand gestures and nodded back. Cherry only knew a little sign language and he learnt it for my sake so we could talk with out paper and a pen. He told me once that he doesn't know all the words I'm signing but he is still able to piece them all together with what he already knows and I'm so grateful to him.

Since I got to the orphanage 5 years ago I never talked not past the day I become an orphan. That day apart of me died with my parents. I was 11 when It happened but I can't bear to think about it now. Not even Cherry knows what happened and he his my closest friend. I just don't talk about it....... to anyone. I'm 16 now, I turned it in September five months ago and now it's the first Monday of February and it's back to school month. Cherry is older then me by one year he is 17 so he is my Hyung and he tries to look out for me the best he can. I finished packing me stuff and getting ready. I had a quick and small breakfast and said bye to Cherry and I was on my way to my new school, Seoul High School.

No one drove us to school we had to get there on out own. I calculated and it will take me 15 minutes every morning to get to school which wasn't to bad. I love being outside so I think I'm really going to enjoy the 15 minute walk more then my old school which was only about 4 minutes. My old school was right around the corner so I don't know why they made me change schools. It was odd but I'm happy I'm out of that place. I had no friends at all and I got bullied a bit but I was mostly left alone. At my new school it's not like it's going to be any different I'm still going to be alone. I sighed at looked up to the clear sky that was slowly getting cloudy. "It's going to rain later today" I thought to myself as I slowly approached the school gates I was here finally. I took one step inside and this is where my new story begins, right mum?

No one POV:
Jungkook is wearing blue jeans, timberlands and a white shirt but has it covered by a white jumper though. He had a black cap on covering half his face because it was turned down. Everyone looks in his direction and some of the girls were pointing him out, the new kid. I girl out of now where walked up to him and asked him his name. "Hey are you new, my friends call me Lilly what's your name? Then she waited for a response. Jungkook didn't want anyone to know yet about him being mute so he just nodded and the girl started at him. "Hellooo, are you even listening you don't have to be rude and ignore me like I'm not here" the girl said. Jungkook just looked at her a bit nervous on what he should do. The out of no where she yelled "ohhhh your one of those people huh, you think your so cool you can't talk to anyone you think is below you. You must really be a rich snob and a spoiled brat, you got everything don't you". She stoped for a second and he swore he could see smoke coming from her ears then she hissed out "your the worst kind of person". Jungkook was shocked for a second because everything she said was the complete opposite of his real life. Without knowing he glared at her and she stepped back. Everyone saw what just transpired and all jungkook could do now was walk away so he did. "Well today isn't off to a good start is it" he thought to himself and sighed.

Jimin POV:
I was walking into the schools main front ground where the gate is when I saw a crowd and a boy walking off. I caught a glimpse of his eyes he looked......sad but I could of imagined it. I saw yoongi and ran up to him. "Hey what happened here". "I don't know I just got here a second before you but from what I saw that guy is new for sure and that girl was yelling at him for some reason, you should of seen his eyes when he glared at her I was also a bit taken aback but I have no idea what really happened." "I wonder what he did" yoongi huffed a laugh then finished off by saying "I think he is younger than you actually but I couldn't really see his face because of his cap". I was just confused for a second when yoongi said "well it's none of our business anyway, let go to class the bell is going to go any minute now". "Uh right" I said but yoongi didn't hear because he was already walking. "Hey wait for me Hyung". I looked back for a second and saw the new kid walking to the office his back to everyone, I turned back to my Hyung was started walking.

No one POV:
"I wonder who he is" Jimin said and after that last thought he forget about him and caught up with yoongi and talked about what session/period they had first.

Authors Notes:
Hi everyone this is my first fanfic. I hope you liked it and continue to support this story as I will be updating regularly. I live in Australia so we have break and and go back to school in February as December, January and February is our summer so we are on break for that. This is just for people who didn't know and thought it was a bit weird😁  Anyway Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment your thoughts. ♥️

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