Chapter 5: Look Me in the Eyes and Tell Me What You See

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I run out of the school after collecting my things, I still feel sick even after the nap I had during class. Those 6 boys, why did the help me, I'm so useless I can't even look after myself and Cherry. I feel a tear role down my face and quickly wipe it up. I can't go back the the orphanage but I have to or our care taker will beat me up. I hate this, I decided to take the long way home. I walk through the woods part and go through all the trees, it's beautiful I look around and I want to stay. I want to wait for the sunset because it's always beautiful here. I found this place at the start of this year and it's the only Place I feel completely calm and can think straight. I sigh and lay back on the grass on and open part in the woods. I'm on a hill and the trees are at my side and the rest is open and you can see a great view of the sky. I wait for the sun to set.

It was the next day and Jungkook was no where to be found. He wasn't at school and the others were a little concerned. Jin for some reason felt his motherly instincts come out when he saw the boy. They all wanted to know more about the mysterious boy. He always seemed so sad while no one else noticed his true character.

"Well if his not here that means his resting right?, thats a good thing right? Hobi blurts out quickly looking for reassurance.

The next second jungkook walks in and all the boys turn around to see him, happy that he is here but he was limping and his leg looked hurt. "What do you think happend to him" jimin asked in corncen. "We have to confront him" Nanjoon says. All the boys nod at eachother and get up and go towards jungkook. He looks up and see them coming towards him. Jungkook goes to run away but they get there to quick. He turns around and he bumps into Jin's chest. The werid thing was he didn't quickly jump off Jin's chest he sort of leaned back into him. Jin and all the boys were shocked when jungkook look up into namjoon's eye he quickly backed off.

Hi jungkook, Jin says.


Oh shit. What am I gonna do. They can't know about me. I don't need their help, I just want to be left alone. When I look at them all I realise they aren't leaving with- out a fight. What if they find out my muteness isn't physical. Oh crap do they even know that I'm mute in the first place.

Next thing I know one of the boys is inspecting my leg. He has blonde fluffy hair and beautiful brown eyes. I'm pretty sure his name is Taehyung. Um is he okay. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable as he pulls my leg off the ground. I try to jerk my leg back but he maintains his grip. " what happened" he said to me. I obviously didn't answer him and just looked down. "Thought so" said the man behind me and the boy holding me leg.

"What are they talking about, thought what". "Your mute aren't you". I looked up in shock. They found out. I feel small tears start to edge in the corners of my eyes. I feel one of them step forward and wipe my tears. It was the one they called yoongi I believe. I pull my hands up to sign to them that I'm sorry.


"No need to be sorry, why are you even sorry. You didn't even do anything" suga says. I just stare at him in shock, eyes wide.

He understood me. He even replied back.
I put my hand down by my side. Today is a new day. Today feels different.

Am I meant to let them in.....

Author Note:
OMG , im so sorry. I left for way too long. That wasn't fair. I'll try not to do it again.

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