part 6 - The Princes

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<< Y/N POV >>

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm serious now, Minho..."

"And i'm serious too! Do you want to die?!"

This dude angry at me because i want to search for Zalora by myself. Is it a problem? Zalora is important for me.

"Did you forget? You're the one said they were searching for you now! You can't go there!" Minho yelled while hold my shoulder.

"It's okey. For Zalora, i will do anything. She's my sister. I can't let her go..."

"But you know where is she now? Did you? Why you didn't take care of her?"

"Shut up, Woozi! You guys the one that make her lost! And now what?! You want to blame me?!"

I think i will go crazy with this guy...

"Y/N... relax. Your power will come out if you continued this. And you will hurt them. Just relax okey?"

Benson said while look at me. Yeah, he's right.

"I will go now. Take care yourself..." i said as i walk from there.

"Y/N wait!"

"Just let her be. She's the one who make a problem." Woozi said while pulled Lisa.

One day, i will cut his mouth and give it to wild animal. Or not, i'm not Y/N.

"No! She will die! Oppa!"

That the last word i heard from Lisa and now, i'm at outside. In the dangerous world. The people were look at me weird but lucky that i wear a mask.

I walk away with Benson and start for searching. Now where we want to start?

"Tonight, i suggest for us to sleep in the forest." Benson said. Yeah, that's a good idea.

"Now it's evening. And you still didn't eat." Benson added.

"How i can eat? My mom and Zalora is missing. I must searching for them."

"But, if you don't have a energy... how you want to search them?"

Okey... he's got the point.

"Okey... fine... i will eat now. Let's go."

Benson followed me to the market. I buy a hotdog for me, a meat for Benson.

"Hey... you don't go to the ceremony?" One old man ask me.

"Ceremony? For what ?" I ask back while chewed my hotdog.

"There..." he point at one paper that stick to the wall. I walk there while bring my food and read it.

"Ceremony for Prince Jungkook's Birthday and The Royal Appointments at Diamond Kingdom Palace. You are all invited to attended. King Jae Min."

I hated that named.

"I don't think so..." i take off my mask.

"Kid... you must go there. Or..."

"Or what?"

"They will give you a punishment." He whisper to me since there was many soldier.

"So cruel..." i whisper back.

"Let's go. We can go together... how'd you think?" He offered while give his hand. I take his hand as a respect. Then i wear back my mask.

"I'm sorry kid. I walk slowly 'cause i'm old." He laugh nervous.

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