Part 20

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"Come on, Jonnie! Why you are so slow like a snail?" Girly voice was filling the area of market. She was being chasing by someone.

"Hey! Wait for me! Don't be to rushed or you will get hurt!" That 15 years old boy yelling back.

After a while they running, finally they arrived at one shop. That boy were stopped behind her and take a breath. That little girl look at him while smiled wide.

"Come on, we are here. Let buy some stuff and go before your father catched us." That boy nodded and follow that girl.

They searching something and found a good one. That girl saw a necklace and she like it. She told to that owner.

"Untie, can i take a look on that?" She point at that necklace.

That old woman take that thing and give it to her.

"It has a bracelet as a match. You can wear a necklace, this boy can wear a bracelet." She look at the boy who was wearing a hoddie clothes. He was closing his face with mask. Just can see his eyes.

"Ouh well, it's perfect!" That girl yelling and pay for it. They walked out from that shop and look at each other.

"Now, you take this... and i take this one." That girl said.

"Hahaha you look good with that." He point at the necklace that she weared.

"Yeah, i know. And you look good too..." they walk away from there while smiled happily.

"Yuri-ssi, where are we going now?"

"Hurmm... let's go to our secret place. We can play there."

That boy nodded and walked with her.

"Jonnie, do you love me?" Yeri asked.

"Of course, i do, darling. Why you asked?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing... just, did your father will accept me? You know, i'm not a princess..." She asked in worried. Yeah, she just a normal girl.

"I know he will like to know you one day. Because you're pretty and kind!" He kissed her cheeks.

"Hey! Don't do that!" She closed her face with her palm and that boy laughing.

"You are so cute, Yuri-ssi."

"Nahh... you are cute. You have a dimple, same as me!" She pinched his cheeks.


A deep voice yelled at them. They almost reached their secret place but...


He look at the old man who was staring at him with his soldier. They just finished bringing the king to watch around the village.

"So... this is your 'friend' ? That you told me you have a friends to meet? I thought it's a royal family members..."

Namjoon gulped and looking down. He know this time he must arguing with his father.

"Forgive him, your highness... it's not his fault. It's my fault..." that girl said while kneeled down to him.

But the king didn't give a damn about that. He hate it. He hated that girl. He hated all about her. Dirty, poor, disgusted...

"Get him. We will discuss about this at the castle." He told to his soldier but Namjoon was shaking his head.

"No no! I want to be with her!" He stand infront of Yuri. He look at one that he love the most with worried face. He's scared his father might do something on her.

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