Part 15

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// Y/N POV //

"Hey, what did he say to you?" Natasha asked me after i reached to her.

"Nope... nothing important. Just dumb words and useless. Wasting my time..." i said while rolling my eyes.

"Wow, you are lucky that he is talking to you. Everyone want him to talked to them."

"Except me... i don't want to talking with any of th-"


Someone were yelling my named. It's familiar and i miss this voice. I turned around and got to see...

"Benson?! Grandpa?! Omaigad you guys are here!" I ran to them and hugged them tighted. They hug me back and we pull from the hug.

"How are you, princess? Are you eat well? How was about you study? Did someone disturb or touch you? Are yo-"

"Woooowww Grandpa, Benson... calm down. I'm okey! Look! I'm still healthy and tough..." i said while doing some stuff like gymnastic.

"Good to see you again, Y/N..." Benson hugged me again and he can see a girl behind me.

"Your new friend?" He asked and i nodded.

"Let me introduce her to you. This is Natasha. We stay in the same dorm." Natasha waved shyly, same as Benson.

So... already in love huh?

"Y/N, how can you all come here? Did you sneaked out from the castle?" Grandpa ask while we all walking in the carnival.

"Well, they allowed us to go out from the castle. And every weekend! So i can see you two often!" I yelled while hugged grandpa waist and he laughing.

"So... i can see you again?" Benson ask.

"See me or Natasha?" I wiggle my eyebrow and he hit my head playfuly.

"Idiot, don't teased me like that..." he whispered to me and i laughing when i saw Natasha's cheek is burning.

"Grandpa, you are doing well without me, right? Please take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, Y/N. I will take care of him. By the way, i've learn a little how to cooking. Right, grandpa?" Benson said while put his hand on my neck.

"That's right, Y/N. Don't worry about us okey? Just continued what you have to do... find them very soon."

"Okey grandpa... erm, can i finish my time with you both?"

"Of course! Why not..." benson said in excited.

"Natasha, did you mind?" I looked at her and she smiling while nodded.

"Let's enjoy this night!" Benson yelling and we're laughing together. I hope this moment will not the end.

《Skip Time》

( Meeting Room )

"Okey... everybody here?"

The Devil and the king from 5 kingdom has gathered in the meeting room with 7 princes.

"So... you asked me to engaged my sons with your daughter?" The Devil started the discussion. He stared at Ruby King while his eyebrow up.

"Yes... i need an approval from you... anyway, our kingdom will became bigger, and our relationship will become stronger." The King from Ruby Kingdom said.

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