Part 7 { Zalora }

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"So... are you sure Mom in The Diamond Castle?" Benson ask me.

He's still in human position. Now we're at Grandpa's food shop. He ask me to work here so i can gain a money.

"That's what the people here said. They said that they saw The King bring one pretty girl with him to the castle 3 days ago. I'm sure that pretty girl is Mom."

"Hey, girl! Give me one wine!" One old man yelled. I nodded and bring him a wain. Why he yelled? I'm not deaf yet.

"Y/N, can you help me to clean table 11?" Grandpa ask me.

"Okey, grandpa..." i walk to table 11 and clean the dishes. Then 2 soldier sit down at that table while staring at me.

Shit... i was lucky because i wear a mask.

"Bring us 2 noodles. And fresh orange." I nodded and walk to grandpa. He's the chef here.

"Grandpa... 2 noodles with fresh orange."

"Okey, done!" He make a sign 'ok'.

Then i search for Benson and saw he was bowing so many times to someone. What is going on? All people were look at them. I walk to him and hear that man yelling.

"Who's your manager?! Call him now!"

"Yes... what's the matter?" I said while standing infront of Benson. And finally, i saw his face.

"You're the manager?"


Haha... am i?

"You know what he did?" He said while stand up.

"I'm so sorry for his fault. I'm very sorry. Please forgive him." Actually, this is not me.... really. But i must take it easy.

"You know what?! He's stoled my necklace!" He yelled.


"What necklace?"

"This!!" He point at one necklace. And that make me surprised and worried at the same time.

Ouh no...

"T...that..." i look at Benson, and he nodded. So he was trying to take that thing.

"Now what are you going to do?!"

"Let me ask you something... where did you find that necklace?"

"T-this is mine! What do you mean by where did i find it?!"

"Because... that's mine. And you know what? Stealing is a mistake."

"! This is mine!!" He said and want to run away.

"Hey wait!!" Benson chased after him. With my little power, i make him fall to the ground and Benson catched him.

"Y/N! What happen?!" Grandpa ask me.

"Nothing, grandpa. Benson catch the thief."

"Thief?! Where is it?!" He said in angry. Then i point to that man.

"He stoled my necklace." I said while do a puppy face.

"Gotcha!" Benson said while take the necklace.

"Let me go! You bastard!"

"I will... but, promised me. You will never take people thing... again."

"I...i promised! Now let me go!" He said and Benson released him. He get up and run away. Benson want to chased him but i pull him back.

"Nevermind. Let him go."

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