The Heirloom

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"Natalie are you coming?" asked Mrs Thomson.

"Mum I'll meet you in the car, I'm just going to stay here with gran, and say my goodbye's one last time", Natalie replied.

She stood in front of a black marble tombstone. Her grans name, was engraved at the top in gold letters.

"Gran I love you," began Natalie, and you will always be with me, and..." here Natalie broke down, the salty tears running down her cheeks.

Her mother got out of the car and made her way over to her daughters side. Wrapping a comforting arm around the smaller girls arms, she gazed down at her mothers tombstone. She hadn't seen her mother for years, after she had married Natalie's father, she and her mother had had a huge argument that resulted in them not speaking during all those years. She felt her eyes begin to water, if only she could have fixed things with her mother, before this happened.

"Natalie...I think it's time we should go home," said her mother gently, a few minutes after Natalie had stopped sobbing into her shoulder.

"Okay," Natalie sniffed.

After directing her daughter into their car, Mrs Thomson retrieved a small violet box sitting on the back seat.

"Here Natalie, this is for you. Your gran wanted you to have this," she gently told her daughter.

"Thanks mum," murmured Natalie. As her mother started up the car's engine, she unwrapped the velvet ribbon and took the violet lid off. Inside lay a note of paper and a small purple cloth neatly folded.

The note read: "Dearest Natalie, I want you to have my pearl necklace, it is your heirloom. I want you to know how much I love you and to wish you good luck with the rest of your journey in life,


Your Gran

Folding the note gently back into the box, Natalie lifted the purple fabric to reveal a beautiful pearl necklace

"Oh gran..." she murmured.

A week later

"Mum, can Haley come over? We've got homework to do for English and French," Natalie called down to her mum.

"If you tidy your room, then it's fine for me. But she's only allowed to stay till 6," her mother told her, as she stopped at the foot of the stairs. "And don't shout like that," she added.

"Yes mum," answered Natalie sheepishly.

"Now go tidy your room," her mother told her.

Running back upstairs, Natalie charged into her room before throwing most clothes lying on the the floor onto her bed. Catching her reflection in the large mirror sitting on the dresser, she gazed back at herself.

Crazy dark hair, huge green eyes, tanned skin...she listed in her head...small pink lips, far too thin eyebr...she stopped abruptly.

The pearl necklace. It had been there last night, lying on her dresser. Now it wasn't there.

It was gone.

Thanks Brunetx for being my editor for Pearl per Murder and One Chance, I hope this book will be another success and thank-you to all my readers, love,


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