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You look down at your phone not knowing what to do.

"Go outside and walk to the park tell him your walking to your hotel." Yoongi said before pushing you up off the couch.

You go to walk outside accidentally pressing answer when you grab the door handle.

"Hey baby~ where are you? Let me see your face." Ji-woon answered your camera facing the ceiling.

You completely freeze up not knowing what to do.

"Don't make me track your phone! Now where are you!?" He shouted in anger trying to get a alswer out of you.

Not knowing Hobi pipes up. "Who's that Y/n?"

"Who is that?! Is that another guy! Your coming home right now I dont care if your there for business or not! Actually you know what I'm coming to you!" He aggressively said before ending that call.

Standing at the door shaken and scared knowing that Ji-woon will trace your phone and will beat you. Everyone but you glares at Hobi.

"What?" He questions.

"I-its fine guys h-he didn't know." Your voice shakes.

"Do you want me to take you to the hotel?" Yoongi offered.

"No thank you I'll walk. I don't want him to see you and me get beat even harder." Your head hands low as you put your boots on then put your coat if after. "Thank you for having me it was fun while it lasted." You faintly smile and open the front door walking out.

You walk to your hotel and up to your room thinking of every possible way Ji-woon could hurt you. physically and mentally.

Almost a hour passes your still in your hotel room forgetting while you browsing social media. Out of no where you hear a loud bang on your door. Thinking someone got hurt you get up and rush to the door opening it.

"are yo-" not even looking at his face you can tell Ji-woon is standing right in front of you.

"In the room now." His voice strong and demanding walking inside pulling you by yoyr hair.

He aggressively throws you twords the wall and starts searching the room. taring up the room. Ripping all your clothes out of the standing wardrobe. pulling off the bed covers and taring up the sheets. he makes his way to the bathroom pulling open the curtains knocking down the curtain hands while he's at it. walks out leaving it there.

"Ji-woon what are you doing!?" Tears poor down your soft cheeks.

"WHERE IS HE!?" He takes you by the neck lifting you up off the floor your feet barley touching the floor. You kick and squirm trying to break free from his strong hold.

Your face turns pick and slowly turns purple from lack of oxygen. your kicking slows down and your nails still digging in to his hands making him bleed when you pull up skin.

He let's go just before he kills you. Your limp body dropping to the floor with a loud thump.

"Fine don't tell me!" He kicks you in the stomach knocking the wind out if you.

As you desperately try to breath you manage to push your home button three times forgetting it'll notify Ji-woon as well as the cops.

Ji-woon looks at his phone. "You little b*tch!" He picks you up again from your throat and holds you in the air slamming you in to the door.

He continues to take his anger out on you before the police come. When he hears the sirens coming he shoves you in to the standing dresser. "you say anything I swear I will end you and you will regret it!" He slams the wardrobe doors on you just before a knock hits the door.

"Police open up!" The knocking contulinues.

Ji-woons p.o.v

I open the door putting on the best act i can.

"Hello sir." I say sounding confused.

The police officer asks to check the room. I let them in knowing they won't find anything.

"Is there something wrong?" I guestion

"We just got a destress call from this room" he said looking around.

"Ohh okay." I chuckled.

I walked around and got on to y/n's phone seeing missed calls and texts. Shrugging it off i unlocked the phone. when i did that i seen a picture of her and. i froze completely furious it was I picture of her with another guy.

"well it seems clear must have been a false alarm." One of the police officers say walking next to the wardrobe

'That b*tch better not say a word if she knows what's best!' I thought to myself as I watched him look around.

Y/N's olphone rings. Her best friend called her. I instantly switched off her sound letting it ring.

"yeah its clear lets go." The other officer said making her way to the door.

Your P.O.V

you hear that police walking around and hear one close to you. You let out a small whimper.

"Hmm? Hold on Bong~soo." The police officer goes to the wardrobe and puts his ear up to it.

You let out a small quiet whine. right when you do that the police officer opens the wardrobe as you fall out on to the ground tears still poring down your cheeks with more comeing to hour eyes.

"YOU F*CKING B*TCH I TOLD YOU TO STAY QUIET!!" Ji-woon quickly grabs you and takes you to the balcony holding your small body in his hands.

Ji-woon hangs you over the railing if he let's go of you you will fall to your death. Your feet kick and swing scared your hands wrapped around his wrists.

"Sir! Give us the girl dont make this harder then it has to be!" Both police officers pull something out of their belts one pulls out a taser the other a gun.

Ji-woon shakes his arm acting like hes gonna let go. "No shes mine she must learn her lesson!" Looks at your tarified face. "Baby if you would have just listened we wouldnt be doing this right now. Where over with." He smirked and let go...

*gets right to work on chapter 7* i hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment :)

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