15 6 2

Once you finally make your way upfront. You set down your computer pulling up power point and show them your ideas for the company.

"And that concludes my presentation. Any questions?" You ask in a formal manner with no reply from your audience just a few coughs and one yawn.

"Okay let's meet back here tomorrow our time has been used all up by a certain someone." The CEO glances your way a nasty look on his face. "Let's meet back tomorrow at 4 I have a lunch at the school with my daughter that I refuse to miss again." He picks his things up and walks out leaving the rest of your to do the same.

You pick your laptop up and feel a big hand grab on to your shoulder.

"You did good y/n don't worry. They are always like that no matter what." Seokjin said roughly massaging your shoulder. "Hey I'm hosting a party tonight. Wanna come?" He asked.

You pick the rest of your things up. "That sounds lovely." You smile. "Where at?"

"I'll have tae pick you up at your hotel."

"Tae?" You question no aware that Taehyung nickname is tae.

"Taehyung sorry." He smiled "well see ya tonight and just wear what you normally wear." He said before leaving.

you pick up your things and text a uber to pick you up at the office. when it comes you get in the back and tell the driver to go to your hotel. when you arrive you step out onto the cold wet sidewalk. when you step out you step into a cold puddle soaking your small foot with mud and salt to melt the snow on the sidewalks. You drop out head back and groan your soggy sock in your once warm shoe. Once your in your room you instantly take off your shoes and socks putting them over the register warming your hands up while your at it. You grab your phone and facetime Ji-woon scared he may get even more mad.

The phone rings waiting for the other to pick up.

"Hello?" Ji-woon answered sounding tired.

"Hi Ji-woon!" You smile and wave.

"Hi baby" he sleeply rubs his tired eyes.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up..." You frown and hang your head low.

"its okay baby." he yawns falling back asleep before his shift.

You end the call. A small sigh of relief excapes your lips. Setting down the phone you get up and change in to something less dressy. Looking trough your suit case you pull out a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans as well as one of Ji-woon hoodies. When you out on the hoodie you can still smell his cologne while thinking about the times he made you feel special. You shake away the old nasty thoughts and sit on the bed waiting for taehyung to come to get you like seokjin said.

Some times passes but you finally hear a knock at your hotel door. your sleepy eyes slowly open as you move your tired body to the door.

"Y/n!" A fermiliar voice rings in your ear.

"T-taehyung?" You rub your eyes then open them to see him standing there.

"Please call me Tae. Now come on go get your things and let's get moving." he said with a smile.

You grab your phone and some cash just incase and follow him down stairs and to his car. He opens the door for you and motions for you to get in. You listen and sit down amazed by the purple LED lights on the ground surounbing your blush pink converse. he laughs seeing you in suck aw and goes around getting in to the drivers seat.

"They change color if you want a different color." He said just before starting the car a rush of hot air hitting you in the face as you quickly shut the vent.

"No no its okay I love the purple lights." You smiles still admiring the lights.

"Great!" He smiled then pulled off to who knows where.

You fall asleep on the ride due to how far it was from your hotel and how smooth the car ran. At one of the stop lights Tae draped his jacket over you not wanting to turn up the heat fearing it may wake you from your light slumber.

"Just like yoongi." He says under his breath while chuckling a little. He pulls in to the drive way and shakes you awake. "hey y/n wake up."

"mmmm." you mumble and move around a little bit in the seat. slowly sitting up rubbing your sleepy eyes.

"where here." he smiled. "if you don't want to go you don't have to I can take you back and just say you-." he offered but you quickly declined before he could say anymore.

"no ill go in. I just didn't sleep well last night but ill be fine. after a little bit I'll be awake." you giggle and had him back his coat. "thank you for your coat." you smile then open the car door stepping out. thankfully this time not in a puddle.

You and Tae go inside to see 7 men sitting around chatting. You linger around greeting every one. When you look for any other girls you see that your the only one.

"excuse me jin? am I the only girl coming?" you question Jin.

"huh oh yeah sorry. it was just gonna be us 7 but then Yoongi and tae wanted you to come due to it apparently being your first time in Seoul." he stated.

"y-yeah it is my first time. thank yo for inviting me." you bow.

"hey, there is no need to bow when you in my house." he smiled before walking away.

"o-oh okay..." you walk off sitting down on the couch next to a young man.

His hair is dark matching his doe like eyes. He wears a over sized hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

"hello, my names jungkook but you can call me jk for short." He bows and holds out his hand for you to shake.

You take his soft warm hand shaking it. "Its nice to meet you. I'm Y/N." You smile and remove your hand from his.

"Well its nice to meet you too." He smiled but it slowly left as he watched yoongi come over sitting behind you taking his spot light.

"You actually came." He chuckled "Tae didn't give you a hard time did he?"

"N-no he didn't." you smile.

"I'm very glad you came." he stoked his warm hand agents your cheek giving you goosebumps.

You pull away right when you hear your phone start ringing. When you look you see it's Ji-woon wanting to facetime...

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