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you wake up to the delicious smell of sausage and eggs. sitting up from the pull out you rub your sleepy eyes. you see a black silhouette walking toward you. you put your hand up trying to block the sun from your eyes.

"y-Yoongi?" you said half asleep.

"good morning sleepy head. how did you sleep?" Yoongi asked yo carrying a try was scrambled eggs and sausage chunks in it.

"I slept great. thank you for taking care of me." you take the tray from him and blow on the hot eggs.

"your gonna want your energy because we will be going back to your old house to gather your belongings." he said sitting down on the bed next to you.

you nod while eating your breakfast. 

when you finish eating you get dressed and go to meet Yoongi in the car.

"you ready?" he started up the car and put on his seat belt.

"yes I'm ready." you buckle up right as he starts to drive away.

you arrive at the air port keeping quiet not wanting people to recognize you from the news. you two make your way to the plane loading yourselves on to the plane. the long flight to Daegu tired you and bored you causing your droopy body to fall on his lap. when the plane lands Yoongi gently shakes you awake. whispering sweat nothings into your ear teasing you to wake you up. you wake up and both of you get off the plane calling a taxi to take you to Ji-woons apartment. when yo arrive your soft shaky hand unlock the door. stepping inside all the horrible memories fill your head causing you to break down falling to your knees. Yoongi rushes to your side rubbing your back trying to calm you down.

"hey its okay he's not here its just me and you. no on else. now lets pack up your thing sand get back to my home." he said helping you to your feet.

you nod and start to unzip the empty suit case folding your clothes as neatly as you can. thankfully Ji-woon never let you get that many clothes so they all fit into one suit case along with a few other things tightly fitting. opening the other suit case you place in your belongings like blankets, pillows, tooth brush, etc. when you finally finish getting all of your things into your two suit cases you tightly zip them up.

"ready?" Yoongi asked picking up the light

you again nod and follow him out the door leaving your house key inside with a note sating.

dear Ji-woon

         all my belonging have been take out. please don't come looking for me. I didn't take anything of yours. please if you find someone new treat her with more respect and love then you did me. good bye Ji-woon it was nice knowing you...


you walk out following behind Yoongi. your head hangs low as you get into the taxi with him. the taxi driver starts to drive to the air port. starts to mess with her fingers.

now what...

I cant live with young...

I'll just be a bother...

your thoughts where interrupted by something hitting your shoulder. you look over and see a precious blonde boy leaning on you fast asleep. you smile slightly and move his head so he is leaning on your small body. you run your fingers through is beautiful golden locks. your finger not getting stuck or disturbed by a not. you question why you ever left him. Why you went for ji-woon. Your thoughts got intruprupted by the blonde boys soft chokes. You set him up right patting and rubbing his back.

"are you okay?" you ask with a worried tone.

"I'm fine..." He cleared his throat and breathed heavily.

"we should be at the air port. you can rest on the plane." You smile softly.

He nods and rubs his sleepy eyes just before the taxi driver pulls into the drop off lane. You get out making sure to thank the driver then walk into the airport again amazed by its beauty. after bag check and getting a small snack you and yoongi bord the plain. The long flight to what your now calling home for now successfully knocked both of you out. You sleeping on yoongis shoulder him laying his head on yours. When that plain finally lands waking both of you up. Getting off the plain and grabbing your luggage making sure that both of them where in fact yours. making your way back to his car you put your luggage in the back then move up to the passanger seat.

"buckle up." You tell yoongi sense he already has the car running and was about to drive off.

"But- fine..." He buckles his seat belt and started to drive off into the unknown.

The long trip back to his house was not successful at knocking you out as you looked out the window the entire time watching the trees and clouds scurry by.

Yoongi drives slower when you two arrive to a wooded patch. Sighing deeply he pushes on words trough the mistical forest. Curiosity gets the best of you as you look over to the blonde male about to ask if something was bothering him. Only to be entrupted by a sush sound excaping the males soft lips.

You sigh and go back to looking out the window

"Wake up where here." You feel someone shake your arm as your rudely awaken from your slumber.

"huh..?" you speak still half asleep your eyes still shut.

"Where home now come on." Yoongi said just before getting out and popping the trunk.

Getting out as its still day light outside. you slowly move your way to the trunk grabbing one of your suit cases. then following him into the house.

Right when you walk in he tells you to take your things to his room where you will be keeping everything according to him. You do as he says and walk up the stairs.

the door slowly opens as your taking out your clothes and neatly folding them putting them into small piles on the floor. You feel a warm embrace swoop around your back.

"Y-yoongi?!" You feel his soft breathing on your neck sending chills down your spine.

"Shh" the same noise that you heard in the car escapes his lips. "I'm just glad your okay I don't know what I would do with out you." His dad broken voice fills your head.

"Yoongi..." You try to break free from his strong yet soft hold. "please I can't not after what happened..."

"Please just let me hold you I promise nothing more." His deep broken voice fills your ears.

"O-okay..." You hold his hands that wrap around your small waist. "only for a little bit."

"Deal. I just want to hold you like I use to." He said before sitting down on the bed hugging your waist his head resting on your stomach.

You run your fingers trough his soft golden locks. And think to your self.

Why can't it always be like this...

What do you think guys? Im also sorry for the late updates. Please comment and vote! 💜

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